Family Information and PTA News 10 February 2023
Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!
Just a week of this half term left, and we will be officially half-way through the academic year. Next week there are so many things happening that I thought I would do a recap below.
I would love to share your suggestions for half term activities in next week’s blog, so please send them to me or share on the PTA Facebook page.
It is the week of Parent/Carer coffee afternoons.
I will be there if any parent/carer would like to discuss anything with me.
Tracy Smithson will also be attending to gather parental input for the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
The MOVE team will have one of their steering group available at all of these if any parent/carer would like to speak with them about MOVE. We were delighted to have Mary Ingram attend the PTA AGM and deliver a short presentation about MOVE.
Monday: 13 February 14-15.00. Post 16
Tuesday: 14 February 14-15.00. Engagement
Wednesday: 15 February 14-15.00. ELTBA
Thursday: 16 February 14-15.00. KS4 Appropriate accreditation.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, we have the Usborne Book Fair in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday 16th is also the “Random Act of Kindness Day” where students may choose whether to wear their school uniform; instead, may dress in whatever makes them feel comfortable. As always this is optional as some students prefer to wear their uniform.
Cricket: Potential after-school club.
Most students in the following classes should have received the attached letter: 2HB, 3RM,3JS, 3TW, 4JF, 4KR/TJ, 4CT, 4JH, 4CHA, 6LD, 6NC, 6LWC and 6PH.
We already have an after-school club on Monday, primarily accessed by students with impaired mobility. We now have potential to offer a cricket club, initially for the above classes. This will depend on levels of interest and a minimum of 6 students would be required for it to proceed. Could you please return the form to school as soon as possible. Alternatively email me (contact details at the foot of this blog) or Helen Jackson, PE Tutor on
Please note that this will be run by an external agency, hence school staff will not normally be present.
Newcastle Carers Wellbeing Fund.
I’ve been asked about this a few times, so thought it worth sharing here again. This is funded by Newcastle City Council/Newcastle Gateshead CCG, so is available only to unpaid adult carers of people living in Newcastle. An unpaid carer is someone who is not paid to look after the person, although receiving Carers Allowance is fine as is being employed elsewhere.
Please contact me if I can help further. You will find more information, including how it can be used on the link below.
Gateshead Carers Wellbeing Fund.
Similar to the post above, here is the link to Gateshead’s fund. It is for adult carers of people living in Gateshead.
It may be worth looking at your Local Authority Local Offer to see if they have similar. Contact me if I can help signpost you.
Newcastle Careers fair.
I have been asked to share the following information about the above; “My Future. My Choice” being held at St James’ Park next week, Wednesday 15th February. Have a look at the poster for full details.
The Percy Hedley Ball is fast approaching, taking place February 18th, to celebrate the Foundation’s 70th birthday.
An online auction is open until 10pm on February 18th and offers a whole host of wonderful prizes.
Some of the prizes you can bid on include:
A stay for 12 with Afternoon Tea and dinner at Hilton Newcastle Gateshead.
Spa Day and lunch for two at Redworth Hall
A full year at Beamish Museum for the Family
And many more, use the link below for more information.
Mixed Ability Rugby
Non-contact rugby sessions at Tyne Met College Sports Hall. Suitable for higher functioning ability students aged 12+. These are on Mondays 6-7pm and are free of charge. Please see attached poster for details.
Girls Football
At Blyth Sport Centre on Mondays 6-7pm, £3 per session, these are organised by Northumberland “Ability2Play”. Please see poster for details and how to book
Ability2Play is part of Active Northumberland, offering activities based in South-East Northumberland, Blyth/Ashington areas. It is open to neighbouring authorities. You can find out more on their Facebook page below
CJ’s Funhouse
The SEN session at CJ’s Funhouse, Hubbway House, Cramlington NE23 8AD: Our Quiet session is on this Sat 11th Feb from 9am and then every other Sat. Please pop in no need to book. Phone number if needed is: 01670 238502
PTA News:
AGM. It was lovely to see parents who attended our last PTA meeting return to the AGM; thank you. We were delighted to have one of the MOVE team, Mary Ingram join us to do a short presentation on MOVE. I trust that I speak for those who attended in saying this was well received. Mary would be happy to repeat the session for other parents/carers. We had cake as promised and the hybrid worked better as we were in a smaller room. The first 6 numbers for the 100 Club were drawn; cheques will be ordered and sent out imminently.
We had 88 numbers taken, and some didn’t reach me until today so the next 6 draws will be 94 at least. If you would like a number, it will be £6 and these will be drawn in July.
Facebook page:
This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you need to answer the question stating your link with school.
Please note: this group is for sharing news and updates about school life and is not intended to discuss any issues around individual students, and as such all comments are moderated. If you have a particular issue or concern, please contact school directly on 0191 216 1811.
Anyone seen any of these yet? I haven’t but I bought some. I love Spring. Have a lovely weekend.
My Contact details are:
Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.