Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 28th June 2024
Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!
Another lovely week weather wise and lots of in school activity and trips. It’s the best part of the school year in my humble opinion.
We have had a new addition to the Outdoor Learning Area: The Music Wall. More on this in the FoPHS section. Isn’t it amazing? This was funded by the Whitley Bay Flower Club.
Those of you with children/young people in Years 7 and above received a survey to complete this week. We know that knowledge around Preparation for Adulthood varies; some are very knowledgeable and well prepared whilst others think it’s a long way off and can wait. Hannah Fuller and I are working together on this, and starting with a baseline of what people know. The plans, once we have reviewed responses is to have a toolkit for families with information to support you and your young people for the future. Please complete it; it takes less than 5 minutes. It is anonymous, as the purpose is to identify areas where parents/carers need information and what the gaps are in knowledge of PfA. We hope to have a focus group involving some parents going forward. If you need help, or would like me to complete on your behalf, ring me and I will be happy to help. Please complete the survey by July 3rd to enable us to get working on it quickly.
Great North Run 2024.
My wonderful husband and daughter are doing the GNR this year and raising funds for FoPHS. Our son/brother left PHS in 2017 and, as a family we are depending on the generosity and support of the school community, parents, carers, family members and staff to support them. Please consider a small donation if at all possible. Cash donations, if preferred can be sent to me where they will be recorded on a sponsorship form. No amount is too small. Thanks for reading:
Here they are in 2021, when they last did it for PHF. Niall and I will be supporting the fund-raising team at the charity village as we have done for what seems like an eternity (and we love it. Niall keeps everyone entertained)
American Independence Day: Thursday 4th July. There will be an American themed menu on the day. Please see link below and there will be IDDSI options as always. Please let your child/young person know if this is important to them:
This is Me Festival: Friday 5th July, a day of activities and workshops for all students.
You will find the calendars here:
Online Safety:
The link to the Online safety information can be found on the school website under the heading “Parent and carers area”, then “online safety” from the dropdown menu.
This week’s online safety blog is different as it is a questionnaire seeking your input about the subject so that improvements can be made where necessary.
Thought for the week. So true, not just of our families, but of everyone you meet:
“Hard things will happen to us. We will recover. We will learn from it. We will grow more resilient because of it.” — Taylor Swift
Contact details
Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.