Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 1st March 2024

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!

Welcome back and I hope that you had some good trips and family time over the half term holiday.

This week I hosted a social coffee morning on Tuesday and had parents of two of our new starters join. Feedback was positive and as always what you value most is the opportunity to talk to other parents, share experiences, tips and socialise. I’d especially like to thank those parents who attend regularly as you support our new families at the start of their Percy Hedley journey. I started these a couple of years ago to help bridge the gap between home and school for families who rarely get the chance to meet. The next one will be on Monday 25th March.

On Wednesday was the Post 16 coffee afternoon where the main topic, as you would expect was the residential trip to Calvert Trust, Keswick. Good weather always helps, and this year was much better than last; staff and parents agreeing that students benefitted enormously from the experience. There were discussions too from Louise with individual families about plans for work experience, career events and placements etc.

There is a link below to events over the next couple of weeks.

I wouldn’t be true to my roots if I didn’t include an appropriate photo for this month!


This came up at the social coffee morning, so thought I would just put in a reminder. We are a nut free school; please don’t send anything in containing nuts for snacks etc. We also have a member of staff who is highly allergic to sprays, perfumes, aerosols, and we ask that students and staff don’t wear perfumes to school. Strong scents can also be a problem for students with heightened sensory needs too.

Dates for Your Diary

Dates for your diary: World Book Day: Thursday 7th March Mother’s Day sale: Friday 8th March. FoPHS Meeting: Thursday 14th March 9.30-11.00 St Patrick’s Day theme for school lunches on Thursday 14th March. Friday 15th March: Red Nose Day for Comic Relief.

World Book Day

We celebrate WBD on Thursday. You should have received a letter which is below.

Mothers Day Sale

This one is especially for our new families. On Friday 8th March the student council is holding a Mother’s Day sale. There is a link below to the letter. We take donations of gifts which are sold for £3, and each child can choose and purchase a gift for their mother or significant female in their life. With a new student council, I’ll be supporting them as will Claire who supported the student council for several years.

Online Safety

Just to draw your attention to Maria’s weekly online safety blogs. Often these are reactive, to situations she has been alerted to in school.

Information: Toby Henderson Trust

They have a selection of FREE webinars available to book covering a wide range of topics – Toileting, Food, Managing Meltdowns, Social Stories, Autism and Mental Health, Sensory Issues, Siblings etc. They recently added one on Understanding Autism.

Information: Family Fund Your opportunity fund

Many grant providers including the Family Fund usually cover grants for disabled children only, but this covers the 18-24 year age group.

Activities: The Northumberland Club

I know that when I share information on activities there is repetition. This is an effort to ensure that the information I provide is current. I also rely, apart from my research on parents, carers and staff to help me out by signposting me to links. Reviews and feedback are important too and I appreciate any support you can offer. I’ll be on the hunt for Easter holiday activities soon. If you are looking for options near you, visit your Local Offer page. Google your Local Authority and search for “SEND Local Offer”.

Activities: Smile Through Sport

A fantastic charity run by a former Percy Hedley Student and Paralympian Stephen Miller MBE. Here is a poster detailing what’s currently on offer.

Activities: Inclusive Cricket

See poster above for current sessions. I have shared before, so would be happy to have some feedback if any of our students attended. Free sessions in Newcastle, Hexham and North Tyneside.

Activities: Junior and Mini GNR 24

Find out how you can run for #TeamPercyHedley at this years mini and junior Great North Run.

FoPHS News

I’m delighted to be finally able to tell you that the electric work on the outdoor learning pod was completed over half term. The FoPHS can justly be proud of our input, and I look forward to seeing it in full use. There was some other work, which our fantastic maintenance team said they could do to finish it off. Our next meeting is on Thursday 14th March, and I will set up the TEAMS link next week. We would love to have some more parents drop in, to get your ideas. We hope to replicate what we did last year and take school photos which we offer on a “pay as you feel” basis and in a digital format.

FoPHS 100 Club.

Although the first 6 draws have been done, we welcome mid year subscribers and for the sum of £12 you will receive 2 numbers for the next draws to be done in July.

FoPHS Facebook Page

This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you need to answer the question stating your link with school. Please note: this group is for sharing news and updates about school life and is not intended to discuss any issues around individual students, and as such all comments are moderated. If you have a particular issue or concern, please contact school directly on 0191 216 1811. Find out how to join below:

My thought for the week is a quote from a young woman who fought against the odds for her education; our challenges as parents and as a school may be different but are as important. I was thinking about world book day, so looking for quotes and inspiration to end on a positive note.


“Let us remember: 

One Book, One Pen, One Child and One Teacher Can Change The World.” 

– Malala Yousafzai


Remember, I am available to support families by phone, email, TEAMS and by arrangement in person although I can usually facilitate a drop in at short notice on Thursday or Friday.



Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.