News, STARS, MOVE and Children In Need, from John & the PHS Team!
Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Whole School Blog!
Hi everyone
I hope last weekend wasn’t too risky for you with the weather – it’s been ok at school this week at least! A few of you have bene asking about the inspection – and we were very happy to share all of our work with inspectors – but with one thing and another I think it will be January before we hear officially and the report is published. The important thing is that although it is very nice when external people are complimentary about our work – and we had an extremely complimentary official visit and in section from Newcastle the other week too, scoring full marks on their system – the important thing is that we do our best to do the right thing by our pupils and their families. That’s what gets us up in the morning, and why a group of parents set this school up over 70 years ago. That’s why our partnership with you is of the utmost importance, and we were very grateful of your overwhelming support in your feedback to Ofsted. My feeling is that if we keep trying to do the right thing, and stay child-focused, hard-working and open to opinions, ideas and new things, then we can’t go too far wrong
But anyway, please do enjoy Lizzie’s Online Safety blog, Eileen’s Family Liaison one (and the picture of her lower down in this one!!!), and all the other things on our and the company’s website. Do look at the MOVE pictures today, and some great stuff about the Jolabokaflod, sport, Children In Need, STARs, safeguarding, Wellbeing, therapy Early Years and Makaton – it’s all good stuff!
Have a lovely Christmassy weekend – all the best!
John S
😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊
We have 3 Super-Steering Groups which deliver our Key Drivers through our curriculum. The Key Drivers are Communication, Wellbeing and Independence. The Groups are Literacy, Physical Development and Personal Development
Becky, our Literacy Lead, leads a team that improve all aspects of literacy, including this year a lot of handwriting and oracy (it’s OK, she’ll be going into explain all of that) as well as reading, phonics, books and all sorts!
Here’s Sarah, and great news about reading with the Jolabokaflod!!!!! The inspectors last week LOVED all the literacy and English things we’re doing!
We are only a few days away from, ‘Jolabokaflod’ here at school. The planning is well underway, and we are looking forward to next week when we can all enjoy and share a range of winter and festive stories
Jolabokaflod is the Icelandic tradition of giving and receiving of books on Christmas Eve often enjoyed drinking hot chocolate. Jolabokaflod is literally translated as ‘Christmas book flood’
If you are interested in finding out more about the tradition of Jolabokaflod see below for links to websites
New winter/festive releases
Physical Development
Everything that is fabulous in the world of Physical Development! This includes physio, hydro, MOVE, PE, HI, VI, a lot of OT and all sorts of key areas for us, including all of the Outdoor Learning, John Muir Award and many other aspects. Steph oversees this and will ensure that an aspect is shared in the blog each week
This week, MOVE-ing in a Winter Wonderland! Here’s Steph and the team!
MOVE-ing in a Winter Wonderland!
The MOVE-ing in a Winter Wonderland event is back and better than ever!!
One of our favourite MOVE events of the year has been happening this week and we can’t wait to hear all about it in lots of detail in next week’s blog! We even had a special guest, and his little helper visit us in the Grotto!
These MOVE events are fantastic ways to support all our children to practise and develop their fine and gross motor skills whilst engaging in sensory filled festive fun! Look out for more info next week!!!
Look at Eileen and Rob!
Scroll to the end for lots more pictures! Well done to all!
Personal Development
One of the best things about the school and one of the most important for our pupils, PD covers PSHE, Wellbeing, Careers, Social Moral Spiritual & Cultural, Online Safety, Behaviour and similar areas. Jo pulls it all together. Let’s see what Jo and the team have in store for us this week! The inspectors really loved all of the PD we do!
Here’s Philip!
The Magpies of 3KH have had a brilliant Christmas Jumper Day! They have worked amazingly hard as a team, along with many other classes, to help create a Christmas Jumper collage.
Students and staff have being showing off their Christmas jumpers and showing their support for ‘Save the Children’; a worthy cause to support in the lead up to Christmas!
Well done to the Magpies, and to all the other students and staff that contributed!
Great stuff there from Philip and The Magpies
Let’s hear from Andy and the Wellbeing Team about the latest in their Connect Challenge series
Let’s hear from Andy and the Wellbeing Team about the latest in their Connect Challenge series
Hello again everyone. This week’s connect challenge was to “send an invitation to someone” – it was all about connecting with others and strengthening social networks.
Well done to those who took time to reach out to someone, like the pupils in Key Stage 4 who invited pupils from lower school to play air hockey in the social area, and the many staff who have been inviting colleagues to celebrate Christmas at various events throughout the week.
Reaching out to others is a great way to create shared experiences, develop relationships and communication skills and can also combat feelings of loneliness.
A MASSIVE thanks goes to Christian for sharing these lovely snaps of Santi who took up the invitation to visit Jay during lunchtime. They enjoyed watching a repeat of Match of the Day and talking football.
Lovely to see this, great connecting Santi and Jay!
Next week’s challenge is to “Connect with yourself and treat yourself.” – With the Christmas break almost upon us we thought we might start that little bit early – so go on…treat yourselves!
Behaviour for Learning (BfL)
Behaviour for Learning (BfL) is a new team, and their work overlaps at times with Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Mental Health. BfL is an approach to understanding & developing children’s behaviour that focuses on their relationship with their self, others and the curriculum, and promotes readiness for education. The BfL team support staff and pupils. The BfL approach is consistent with our values and compatible with systems such as PBS and NAPPI, that we also use
Therapy Star of the Week
Love Therapy Star of the Week, especially when it’s William! And Nat! Let’s hear from their physio, Nina!
William has been exploring all things Christmas whilst lying on his tummy on a wedge. Postural changes are of great importance to our students in terms of posture, muscle, respiratory and digestive health. As part of this tummy time is extremely important as it helps provide a stretch, a change of position and an opportunity to develop head and posture control. It is also of great benefit to the respiratory system for William. William has shown some excellent head control and pushing through his arms and as you can see, he’s very pleased with himself!
Nat has been doing some great cross-legged sitting during his Christmas themed Move to Learn session. Move to learn sessions provide students with the opportunity to work on their gross motor skills, postural control and to have passive muscle stretches. Cross-legged sitting provides Nat the opportunity to develop his sitting balance, core and head control. Nat enjoys cross legged sitting as it increases his independence to participate in the activities around him – he enjoyed reaching to knock over the snowmen and putting on Santas hat!
Sporting News of the Week
Bowling from Nathan!
Percy Hedley Lower School attended the Bowling Panathlon event and came 2nd!
Preparation for Adulthood – PfA with Hannah
PfA is a priority for us this year and a really exciting way to think about our students’ futures. Hannah is leading on it
Welcome to Early Years!
Can’t wait to see what they’ve been doing with Kerry and the gang this week! The inspectors that came into the school last week LOVED Early Years, so well done the Ducklings!!!!! Let’s see some lovely pictures shall we?
School Lunches
Our new Winter menus are now online
In terms of ipay accounts and the increase in costs
Unless your child is in receipt of Free School Meals or Bursary, you should ensure your iPay account is topped up before meals are taken
Please also note that from 6th January 2025, the cost of a two-course school meal will increase to £2.75. Thank you for your understanding and continued support in helping us to provide good quality and nutritious meals for our children and young people
If you have any questions or need support with your iPay account, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office
Safeguarding Updates
Aylisha is our Safeguarding Officer, Rebecca is the DSL, and Tracy, Corin round out a great DSL Team, with Carla as well; other colleagues look at other aspects too. They give us updates in the blogs and elsewhere, which cover a range of topics – some of them pretty heavy sometimes! Here’s Aylisha with some difficult Christmas messages about some people in our society
Safeguarding at Christmas
It’s common for extended families to come together over the Christmas period, and long-standing issues within families could be heightened. Children may face difficult situations, and new safeguarding issues may arise. Children might be exposed to:
- Domestic abuse
- Lack of basic care, such as heat, shelter or food
- Eviction, moving around in temporary housing or homelessness
- Parents or carers with mental health or addiction issues
- A generally stressful home environment
Families facing financial pressures may struggle to afford activities or childcare, so pupils may spend more time at home alone or without any/enough supervision over the holidays. Some might spend more time:
- Online (especially if they received new technology for Christmas), and be exposed to more online risks, such as harmful content, cyberbullying, grooming (including child sexual exploitation or child criminal exploitation) and radicalisation.
- Out and about, making them more available and vulnerable for groomers, gang members or extremists to find and target.
If you need any advice or support please contact the safeguarding team here in school, we can help to signpost to several organisations for extra support and guidance
Everyone and anyone is always very welcome and actively encouraged to contact Aylisha at or Rebecca at or any of the DSL Team
Online Safety
Teen Accounts, a new Instagram feature
It’s on the new Instagram feature – teen accounts! Lizzie felt that parents would benefit from knowing that teen accounts are available and how they can support their children in staying safe online 😊
Online Safety blogs – Percy Hedley School
Please do tell us what you feel would be helpful in the Online Safety blog, and Lizzie and Joel will look into it
Attendance Matters!
Thank you for your support with attendance, that most crucial area. Kelly is our Attendance Officer
Please do take a look at the latest version of the school’s Attendance Policy. The policy can be found here – Percy-Hedley-School-Attendance-Policy-v2-.pdf ( Please familiarise yourself with the Absence Reporting procedure in particular. This is the process that we follow daily for any same day or planned absences
I also wanted to share some exciting news for all you people that love planning ahead. Our school calendar for the next academic year is now available online. As we pass through the winter months our thoughts turn to booking our well-deserved holidays. Please look to plan ahead and schedule those exciting family moments together around the set school holidays avoiding any unauthorised periods of absence
Please be aware that as attendance was an area highlighted at our most recent Ofsted inspection. It’s discussed at our School Governors meetings where it has been suggested that it would be appropriate to notify the local authority of any unauthorised absences.
Any questions please feel free to contact the Attendance Officer – Kelly Richardson on’
Thanks for your support and partnership in this area
Updated Code of Conduct
We’ve updated our Parent/Carer Code of Conduct for this year, which is also on the website here: Parent and Carers Area – Percy Hedley School. Most schools have these now, so please do have a read – they aren’t used very often. Thanks for your support with it in general terms and in the vast majority of times and cases
Friends of PHS – the FoPHS!
A huge thank you to all of them for their time, commitment and support, with projects, ideas and all sorts. Great to have you guys on board, you’re an important part of the school.
Why don’t you join them! The Fabulous Friends are always looking for volunteers for events! If you can offer any support, please contact Eileen at
Exams Info
Let’s hear from Kat herself!
Hello, I hope you are all well!
Students have changed/moved up to new classes and preparing for new lessons and subjects. For some, a qualification will be completely new, whilst others have already started on one and will continue to achieve more components for it this year
Best of luck – it’s great to see the achievements that are made
Certification for our candidates from the summer 2024 series have now arrived and will be added to the student’s folder of achievements
Training for staff that will support in this year’s examination series is underway. Data consent forms and information for candidates taking exams will be shared by teachers with those that require these completed (it is also accessible on the school website under the exam section)
The exam team is working with teachers to complete all required forms by deadlines, especially related to data consent and access arrangements to support the candidates’ needs in an examination – often such paperwork must be completed before the entry of a candidate for a qualification
The excitement of the festive season starting soon; it brings good mood and positivity to us – have a lovely time!
Kind regards, Kat
Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
Please get in touch with Tracy via the email below and she will be happy to respond to any queries, suggestions about the LPPA and other issues for parents
From Tracy and the LPPA team. Contact
Stars of the Week
That reflect our School Values!
George from 6 HF for fantastic work on getting back in his walker and working on his independence. STAR!!!
STAR George!!!
Harry in 3RC is our ELBTA star of the week for showing amazing resilience in Outdoor learning and having a go at balancing on the tree stump even though he was “Worried it was a bit wobbly”
Well done, Harry – STAR!!!
What a great KS4 we have!!!
Owen D for good sportsmanship during boys’ football!
Josh LB for listening to staff during lessons and completing work and staying on task!
Ellie holding doors open for pupils from other school when attending inter-schools football tournament!
Nikhit always gets on with his work with no fuss at all!
Dan Gi for excellent behaviour on the bus and for talking through issues at the boys’ football!
Lucas K for taking part in cooking and doing an English assessment!
Upper School boys football team for representing Percy Hedley on Wednesday!
Leon helping to get classmates’ coats when on cycling sessions!
Jess for working well with other students!
Here are some highlights from Lisa about who has impressed everyone! Post-16 have been very resilient this week
Finlay for being amazing and working towards his independence. Well done!!! STAR!!!
Rosie for being incredibly brave and coping so well with her medical journey. Well done!!! STAR!!!
Ahmed simply for being himself and continuing to work really hard. Fantastic!!! STAR!!!
Harrison for his steadfast dedication to writing his story. He is even working on it during lunch and break times. Brilliant!!! STAR!!!
Kian for coping so well with his routine. Good job! STAR, Kian!!!
Makaton Signs of the Week with Julie!
Every Sunday Julie prepares a message for the whole school on Makaton signs that are current and relevant to the time of year. I generally reproduce them here so those at home can do the same thing if you want to and if it works for you – or just for you to learn a few signs each week. Hope it works for you!
Here are the signs
Happy Christmas signing!
Please ask if you need any help at all
Keep signing!
We’re so lucky to have the team that we do, and the way the physios and others put on these events is simply stunning. Thanks to all involved – the children were amazing at it all and enjoyed it! 😊 😊 😊
…..from John & the Team here at PHS