News, STARS, MOVE and Children In Need, from John & the PHS Team!

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Whole School Blog!

Hi everyone

I hope last weekend wasn’t too risky for you with the weather – it’s been ok at school this week at least! A few of you have bene asking about the inspection – and we were very happy to share all of our work with inspectors – but with one thing and another I think it will be January before we hear officially and the report is published. The important thing is that although it is very nice when external people are complimentary about our work – and we had an extremely complimentary official visit and in section from Newcastle the other week too, scoring full marks on their system – the important thing is that we do our best to do the right thing by our pupils and their families. That’s what gets us up in the morning, and why a group of parents set this school up over 70 years ago. That’s why our partnership with you is of the utmost importance, and we were very grateful of your overwhelming support in your feedback to Ofsted. My feeling is that if we keep trying to do the right thing, and stay child-focused, hard-working and open to opinions, ideas and new things, then we can’t go too far wrong

But anyway, please do enjoy Lizzie’s Online Safety blog, Eileen’s Family Liaison one (and the picture of her lower down in this one!!!), and all the other things on our and the company’s website. Do look at the MOVE pictures today, and some great stuff about the Jolabokaflod, sport, Children In Need, STARs, safeguarding, Wellbeing, therapy Early Years and Makaton – it’s all good stuff!

Have a lovely Christmassy weekend – all the best!

John S

😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊

We have 3 Super-Steering Groups which deliver our Key Drivers through our curriculum. The Key Drivers are Communication, Wellbeing and Independence. The Groups are Literacy, Physical Development and Personal Development


Becky, our Literacy Lead, leads a team that improve all aspects of literacy, including this year a lot of handwriting and oracy (it’s OK, she’ll be going into explain all of that) as well as reading, phonics, books and all sorts!

Physical Development

Everything that is fabulous in the world of Physical Development! This includes physio, hydro, MOVE, PE, HI, VI, a lot of OT and all sorts of key areas for us, including all of the Outdoor Learning, John Muir Award and many other aspects. Steph oversees this and will ensure that an aspect is shared in the blog each week

Personal Development

One of the best things about the school and one of the most important for our pupils, PD covers PSHE, Wellbeing, Careers, Social Moral Spiritual & Cultural, Online Safety, Behaviour and similar areas. Jo pulls it all together. Let’s see what Jo and the team have in store for us this week! The inspectors really loved all of the PD we do!


Let’s hear from Andy and the Wellbeing Team about the latest in their Connect Challenge series

Behaviour for Learning (BfL)

Therapy Star of the Week

Love Therapy Star of the Week, especially when it’s William! And Nat! Let’s hear from their physio, Nina!

Sporting News of the Week

Bowling from Nathan!

Preparation for Adulthood – PfA with Hannah

Welcome to Early Years!

School Lunches

Our new Winter menus are now online

Safeguarding Updates

Aylisha is our Safeguarding Officer, Rebecca is the DSL, and Tracy, Corin round out a great DSL Team, with Carla as well; other colleagues look at other aspects too. They give us updates in the blogs and elsewhere, which cover a range of topics – some of them pretty heavy sometimes! Here’s Aylisha with some difficult Christmas messages about some people in our society

Online Safety

Teen Accounts, a new Instagram feature

Attendance Matters!

Thank you for your support with attendance, that most crucial area. Kelly is our Attendance Officer

Updated Code of Conduct

Friends of PHS – the FoPHS!

Exams Info

Let’s hear from Kat herself!

Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

Stars of the Week

Makaton Signs of the Week with Julie!

Every Sunday Julie prepares a message for the whole school on Makaton signs that are current and relevant to the time of year. I generally reproduce them here so those at home can do the same thing if you want to and if it works for you – or just for you to learn a few signs each week. Hope it works for you!

MOVE Pictures

We’re so lucky to have the team that we do, and the way the physios and others put on these events is simply stunning. Thanks to all involved – the children were amazing at it all and enjoyed it! 😊 😊 😊


                 …..from John & the Team here at PHS
