Hays Travel Raise Funds for Percy Hedley School

Students and staff from Percy Hedley School were thrilled to welcome Beth and Stephanie from Hays Travel Killingworth to celebrate their fundraising efforts.

The team at Hays Travel, in Killingworth Shopping Centre, have been fundraising for Percy Hedley School for the last eight months, and their endeavours have raised £1,455.55. The Hays Travel Foundation has now matched this amount, meaning in total they have achieved an incredible £2911.10!

Hays Travel Killingworth have been working alongside Percy Hedley School as part of their Local Community Partnership Scheme and have organised fun-filled charity coach trips to Edinburgh, York and Whitby to raise the funds. 

The money raised will be spent on exciting new items for the sensory room, including switch toys, accessible model microwaves and washing machines.  

Our students were very excited to see Beth and Stephanie again, welcoming them with croissants and drinks before they viewed one of our sensory and social communication sessions. 

Stephanie said: 

“We have loved fundraising for The Percy Hedley Foundation and overseeing a sensory session. The sensory tools are amazing and we’re delighted they’ll be able to get more with the funds we’ve raised! We chose to fundraise for the Foundation as one of our colleagues has a family member who has been supported by Percy Hedley School, they offer such unique and important care to so many individuals.” 

We would like to say a huge thank you to the team at Hays Travel Killingworth for their hard work and generosity in fundraising for our sensory room. We can’t wait for the new items to arrive! 

How can my business provide support to The Percy Hedley Foundation? 

Support from the business community across the North East is essential to ensuring the continued growth and success of our charity. 

Here’s a few ways that your business can provide vital support to The Percy Hedley Foundation: 

  • A Charity of the Year Partnership 
  • Volunteering with us 
  • Supporting one of our events  

To find out more about fundraising and business support opportunities, reach out to fundraising@percyhedley.org.uk for more information.