Family Information and PTA News 27 January 2023

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!

Thanks to all who responded to and joined the open meeting we held about the PTA on Tuesday. I know that you value the difference it makes to your young people at school. Further details will be shared once I have gone through the notes and filled in gaps.

I continue, most mornings and afternoons to be available outside reception at drop off/collection times if parents want to speak with me. If you want to speak with me in private, I can often do this on the day. If this isn’t possible due to other commitments, I will do my best to arrange at a time convenient to you.


Sharing information and experiences.

I know that parental knowledge shared can be so beneficial to others. At Percy Hedley School we have a wealth of knowledge amongst parents/carers. I invite you to share or ask for information via class teams, me (my contact details are at the foot of this blog) or on our PTA Facebook page. Let’s share to help others.

Just in case you missed it, there was an important update this week about Industrial Action as follows:


Industrial Action

You may have seen reports in the press that the NEU (National Education Union) has announced a number of strike dates for teachers in maintained state schools and academies in England and Wales. As a non-maintained special school, our teachers are not eligible for strike action and therefore our schools will remain open.

Although employees at our school will not be part of any strike action, please be aware there may well be an impact on our staff due to the wider industrial action which may in turn affect staffing levels in school., this may then affect your child’s team and/or how their school day looks.  If this is the case, we will be sure to contact those affected as soon as we have further information.


Can you help?

Hannah, our Outdoor Learning Teacher has asked if anyone has some welly boots at home which are no longer needed? They would like to have a stock of spares for those students who forget them, don’t have any or indeed for times where it might be an impromptu visit.

If you do, please send into the office where they will be passed on.

Department Coffee afternoon date/time reminders.

If you are still unsure which pathway your child/young person is in, please check last week’s Family Liaison blog, the link to which is below:

ELTBA: Wednesday 15 February 14-15.00

Engagement: Tuesday 14 February 14-15.00

KS4 Appropriate Accreditation: Thursday 16 February 14-15.00

Post 16 Appropriate Accreditation: Monday 13 February 14-15.00


If you can include the full names of parents/carers/family members who intend coming along on your return slip this will make sign in far easier. When you arrive, on the left side of the sign in Inventry there will be an “event”. If we have names in advance, they will be added and it is a simpler process (you won’t need to enter email addresses etc) and it reduces the queue in reception.



Personal Assistant (P.A) Training at Disability North.

Do you or are you planning to employ a P.A to work with your child? Disability North runs free training sessions. There is one planned for 8th February from 9.30-16.30, although I am informed this one is close to capacity or full. I’d suggest that you contact them if it is of interest, so that they let you know when the next one is scheduled.

A short film with more information and a link to book is below:

For further details please contact Disability North on 0191 2840480 or

Angie Stewart, Personalisation Trainer at


Reaching out to families:

A zoom support group: sharing for those who may be interested. Thursday 16th February 10.30-12.00

Online Workshops:

Contact – for families of disabled children has some online workshops coming up on Sensory processing. Details are on the posters below:



Thanks to parent, Amanda who has posted on social media, asking for information about private hire of hydrotherapy pools. Here are links to those she found with a couple of additions from me. I am aware of difficulties booking the Alan Shearer Centre and will try to find out the best way to do it. I suspect it is because it is free, unlike most of the others.

Accessibility and Carer Support.

Just a reminder that there is support, in different forms for people with disabilities, access challenges, visual, sensory or other impairments and those who need a carer or additional support in many places. If you’re planning a visit, be it a cinema, theatre, museum, theme park, event, even airport do:

  • Research before you go.
  • Go on the website and look under “accessibility” where much information about access, discounts etc can be found.
  • If you can’t find the information, email, or phone them.

It can make all the difference when you are out in the community, making your day, trip less stressful and often less expensive.


PTA News:

Open Meeting:

Thank you to those who joined us on Tuesday. We had 8 parents/family members and 5 staff. I will collate the notes and share next week as I would like to get them checked first.

I found the discussion helpful and hope others did too. If you would like a copy of the notes, please drop me an email.


We will hold the AGM on Wednesday 9th February from 9.30-11.00.

We would love to welcome you into school, or you have the option of joining online via TEAMS.

The link to join is below:

PTA 100 Club.

Draws for the first 6 winners will be done during the AGM. This is an easy way to support the PTA and costs £12 for the year: September 2022-August 2023. Half of the proceeds are retained and the remainder as prizes.

Facebook page:


This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. You may use it to ask for advice on things outside of school, social, activities etc with which other group member may be able to help. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you need to answer the question stating your link with school.

Please note: this group is for sharing news and updates about school life and is not intended to discuss any issues around individual students, and as such all comments are moderated. If you have a particular issue or concern, please contact school directly on 0191 216 1811.

Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.