Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!
As we start the summer term, I hope that you had some good times over the Easter holiday. I saw my first baby lamb which is always a highlight and my son, a former PHS student saw 3 being born. He was so excited, and his day service shared the videos with us. It reminds me how important sharing information about what happens on a day-to-day basis is, and I hope that John’s (school) blog, school diaries and other means of communication are working for you.
I’d love to know if any of the activities I shared in the last few blogs were of use. If there is anything you would like me to research and share, please get in touch.
There are exciting plans FoPHS related. School photo letters have been sent out in paper form and by email. More information is in the FoPHS section of this blog.
As if that wasn’t enough, the fantastic student council will run a Father’s Day sale on Friday 14th June. So, they would greatly appreciate donations of gifts for students to purchase for their dad/main male carer. These events are always exciting for the students, and we had lovely feedback from parents following the Mother’s Day Sale.
Below is a copy of the letter, which is being sent home today.

School Lunches
Our fantastic catering team have brought out new menus this week.
You will find information on school meals here.
Below is the link to the menus: this week was week 1.
Social and departmental coffee mornings/afternoons resume next month, and we have a FoPHS meeting.
Social Coffee morning: Friday 3rd May
KS4 accreditation pathway coffee afternoon: Thursday 9th May
FoPHS meeting: Thursday 16th May (am)
ELTBA coffee afternoon: Thursday 16th May
Post 16 coffee afternoon: Wednesday 22nd May
Engagement pathway coffee afternoon: Thursday 23rd May
See below for full details.

Online Safety
The link to the Online safety information can be found on the school website under the heading “Parent and carers area”, then “online safety” from the dropdown menu.
It is here.
This week’s blog has a few resources for parents to talk to their children. One resource is the NSPCC, in conjunction with Lego Build & Talk activities. The six ‘adventures’ help parents and caregivers talk with their children about key online safety topics through the joy of LEGO play. You will find it, and previous blogs below.

Disability Living Allowance
Some information below which should be helpful.
To assess what Disability Living Allowance award your child will get, the DWP uses specific definitions for certain terms in the form.
Knowing what these terms mean can help you to fill out the DLA form more accurately — and may increase your chances of getting the right award level for your child.
To help, we’ve created this little dictionary below explaining some key terms — but you’ll find more examples and advice in our DLA Guide.
The information in the image below is also available to read as standard text on page 9 of our guide.
For definitions of terms used in the PIP form, take a look at our PIP Guide

Toby Henderson Trust
If you want to know anything about them, check out their website linked below.
They are constantly updating it with news, resources, webinars and support groups etc. They also have a fantastic “Book Recommendations” page. These books cover many of the topics that they regularly get asked about.
They have recently added new webinars to their list, including Understanding Autism. They have a number of FREE webinars available to book covering a wide range of topics – Toileting, Food, Managing Meltdowns, Social Stories, Autism and Mental Health, Sensory Issues, Siblings etc.
Check out their Webinar page for up to date information.

Positive Behaviour Support (Northumberland families)
See poster for face to face workshops and information on how to book. Visit their website below.

Northumberland PDS Time to Talk
“TIME TO TALK is our face-to-face monthly post diagnostic support group at The Toby Henderson Trust in Bedlington. This group is for Northumberland parents/carers only of children and young people of ALL ages. The group is free to attend and is for parents & carers who live in Northumberland and their child has a diagnosis of Autism. It is a chance to come along and meet and chat with other families as well as our experienced family support team.”

The Autism Hub, South Tyneside
The Hub runs regular events in South Shields that are specifically for our families in South Tyneside.
Check out the Autism Hub events page.
Each week I research activities as part of the information I share with you.
Sometimes it covers specific Local Authorities who fund them, others are open to anyone who can access. If you are looking for something specific in your area search your Local Offer; putting your Local Authority + SEND Local Offer into the search bar. If there is something specific, and you can’t find it, please contact me and if I know of something I will signpost you. I rely on staff, parents/carers to support me so if you know of anything please let me know.

Timbadash Theatre
Sunderland residents may be interested.
‘Forest Friends’
A brand new sensory programme for young people with additional needs living in Sunderland at The Old Rectory.
This programme will run alongside the development of our show Grubbin’s Wood, and so will explore themes around nature, growth, and connection. Young people will have lots of opportunities to explore through sensory play and connect through drama and games.
This programme is suitable for children aged 6-12 years!
For more information on how to book please follow the link below.

South Shields Surf School FREE sessions
Free SEN surf and ocean sessions for ages 8-16 years and 16-24 years.
Email to secure your place or enquire about a taster session!
From our last course the post course review questionnaire revealed:
100% of respondents reported an increase in confidence from participants during the surf sessions and that this continued beyond the surf sessions.
100% reported the participants having a positive experience and enjoying the sessions.
60% reported seeing an improvement in communication with peers during the sessions in the participants.
40% reported that the participants felt calmer while taking part in the sessions.
20% reporting that their kids gained resilience from their surf sessions.

Smile through Sport
This wonderful group has some additional sessions on offer.
Please see the poster for details. If your child attends, it would be fantastic to have some reviews; they help Smile through Sport and encourage other families too.
Check the link below for information.

Jarrow Hall: Meet the Dragons
This may be a nice way to end the next half term if you have dragon lovers in the family.
Click the link below for more information. There is free carer access, discounted tickets and Max card are accepted. I’m not too sure how accessible it is, although they have accessible toilets they probably aren’t of the “changing place” type. I’d suggest contacting them if it is of interest.

Mini Golf at Gosforth Park
Thought this might be of interest to some families. They do children’s parties too.
Mini Golf Prices
Under 16s / OAPs – £4.00
Adults – £5.00
Family Ticket – £15.00
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm*.
Saturday & Sunday 9am – 7pm*
*Last game is 1 hour prior to closing.
Please call 0191 236 4480 for further information.

Pan Disability Events from Durham Cricket
We’ve been asked to share information on some events coming up in Co Durham. See poster for the information.

FoPHS News
We continue to support school throughout the year.
I trust your children/young people enjoyed their Easter gifts. As I delivered, I noted how many students loved the bubble wands. Some took them for siblings, and I had good fun demonstrating with one or two! Thanks to Chris Fewster, parent to 2 students who organised these. The Easter Eggs/sensory toys were funded by FoPHS.
A donation is imminent. I had a call on Tuesday from the secretary of a local Flower Club who has links with a former PHS employee. They have raised £1000 throughout the year with raffles and have chosen FoPHS to be the recipient of this year’s donation. This will make a difference to our fundraising efforts, and I am humbled that we have this influence.
As part of our ongoing commitment to support the development of the Outdoor Learning Area, we ordered more woodchip and rubber matting. This is to make the area more accessible to all students as we await a survey which has been requested from Groundworks. We are actively seeking volunteer parents, carers, family members to come and help in this area. I have heard from a couple of people. If this is your calling and you have some time, please get in touch with me.
School Photos
It’s that time of year again – school photos!
Building on the success of last year’s fundraiser for FoPHS, we are offering this lovely event again. Photographs will be taken and edited by one of our talented teachers, Beth Edwards.
Based on feedback from last year, we are now streamlining the process, and will be taking the photos on set days, so children can look their very best! A letter has been sent/emailed home today with more information. Please follow the link on the letter to sign your child up. The deadline is 26th April, and we will not be able to accept responses after that.
Dates for photographs are as follows and, as some of you are still unsure which pathway your child is in, I’ve included class teacher initials:
29th April – ELTBA (RC, HR/SH, LL/KH, HB/HT, RM, TW)
13th May – Engagement (HW, BE/TS, HF, KS, AH, Che/ED)
20th May – Accreditation (RR, MM, Cha, KR, JH, JF/KG, AJ, OW/TJ, CT, LD, LA, LWC)
Any queries, please contact me on
We were asked about printed options, but these would be costly. There are places you can get them printed very cheaply, linked below.
There is also a copy of the letter, where you will find a link to the form you need to complete. If you need help with the form, please call me and I will do it on your behalf.

Cresswell Towers 3–4-night stay
Thanks to the generosity of Chris Fewster and Hartlepool Carers we have been offered a short stay at this lovely caravan park near Druridge Bay.
It is a 3 bed 9 1 double, 2 twin room) respite caravan which has level access via decking. Please see the poster below. Each number costs £3; you can pay by cash, cheque (payable to Percy Hedley Foundation) or QR code. If you use the latter which is easy, remember to reset the “tip” to zero at the checkout. We hope to draw this on either 16th May or 20th June at a FoPHS meeting. School holiday dates are still available. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take your 4-legged friends with you. You will find more photos on the link below, scroll to the end.

FoPHS 100 Club
If you’re still thinking it’s too late to join, think again.
For £12 you will get 2 numbers for the remaining 6 draws to be done in July. Please find below the form. You may pay by cash, cheque (payable to Percy Hedley Foundation) or QR code. As above, remember to rest the “tip” to zero at the checkout.

Facebook page
This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life.
It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you need to answer the question stating your link with school.
Please note: this group is for sharing news and updates about school life and is not intended to discuss any issues around individual students, and as such all comments are moderated. If you have a particular issue or concern, please contact school directly on 0191 216 1811.
This week I thought I would share something different. We had sad news at school this week. Life is so fragile.
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal”.
Contact details:
Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.