Spring Into Fitness and Fundraising for the Great North Run
Spring into action this season with tips and tricks on how to up your fitness and fundraising game!
As the winter months fade away, the arrival of spring brings a renewed sense of energy and optimism. It’s a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and a chance to refresh ourselves. For many, this season marks the perfect opportunity to kickstart their fitness and fundraising goals and get ready for the year ahead. And what better way to do that than by joining #TeamPercyHedley in their efforts to fundraise at the Great North Run?
As one of the UK’s most iconic half marathons, the Great North Run is a challenging and exhilarating experience that attracts thousands of participants every year. But more than just a race, it’s an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. By joining #TeamPercyHedley, you’ll be supporting a fantastic cause and helping to raise funds for children and adults with disabilities in the North East of England.
So whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, there’s never been a better time to spring into action and make a positive impact in your community. Join us on this journey towards fitness, fundraising, and a brighter future for all.
Fitness Refresh
- Dust off those running shoes if you haven’t been training over winter. Now is the perfect time to get yourself out on runs to build up your stamina ready for a half marathon.
- Spring brings new beginnings, which can include your training… try something new. A Spring renewal on your routine could be just the thing to keep you motivated, so try shaking up your routine.
- Get outdoors! The brighter nights and warmer weather make it perfect for you to get outdoors more to improve your fitness. Take up evening sunset runs or long bike rides.
- Spring clean your diet. Introduce new, healthy, and seasonal fruits and vegetables for refreshed nutrition.
Spring Fundraising Ideas
- The perfect fun way to raise money over the Easter Holidays could be a sponsored Easter Egg Hunt or Decorating Competition. Easter weekend happens to be quite soon from 7th-10th April, but as it’s the school holidays, you can pretty much do it any time.
- Gardening for your community for cash… especially this time of year when everyone needs their grass cutting after Winter, or you could even offer to plant some Spring and Summer bulbs in flower beds. You can ask your neighbours or even offer it to your local community centre and churches.
- Earth Day is on the 22nd April, and what better way to care for the Earth whilst raising money for a fantastic charity than doing a sponsored clean up or litter pick. Whether it’s litter picking at the beach, or cleaning up your local park, you can raise money whilst making a difference to your community.
- Another way to get some cash for fundraising is to offer some Spring Cleaning jobs out to friends and family. Perhaps you love to clean bathrooms or can whizz around quickly with a hoover. Every little helps!
- Looking for something more… relaxing? Getting your neighbours, friends and family involved in a community picnic to raise money for charity is the perfect Spring activity as the weather warms up and the sun starts shining.