News, Stars & Pudsey from John & the PHS Team Friday 17th November 2023

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Whole School Blog

Hi everyone,

How are you all? It’s SO busy right now, with all sorts happening! There was a FoPHS meeting this week, so thanks to everyone who gave up their time for that – we’re very lucky to have a network of support, of which the FoPHS are very important

Elsewhere we’re all in 0ur pyjamas today for Pudsey, we wore odd socks on Monday, we’ve bene eating puddings all week that represent different religions, and we’re trying to do great Art and Anti-Bullying stuff in there too! Phew! It’s even tiring just typing it out! This is when the school’s at its best I think, with so much going on

I hope you find something you like this week with all the activities with the Three Super Steering Groups, Safeguarding, Makaton, Therapy – and of course all of our STARS!!!

See you all soon, have a look at the calendar and the website, don’t forget Maria and Eileen’s blogs, and all the best for a great Friday and weekend. Take care!


😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊




Personal Development

Physical Development

  • our three Super Steering Groups

These three big Steering Groups deliver our curriculum – there’s a paper describing how it all works on the website if you want to read further. The Groups work on all the areas in these broad subjects to deliver the right things for our pupils. This is where a lot of exciting stuff is happening, so I can’t resist leading on it in the blogs. Here is the latest from those three groups, in the order they’re listed above


With The Literacy Squad! All Things Literacy!

The Literacy Squad are working on some great stuff at the moment. November is Non-Fiction! Excellent! Some people prefer that to fiction, but we just want everyone to read, whatever they’re reading. Here are the guys! Go Squad!

As we embrace Non-fiction November, we explore the importance and impact of non-fiction texts on student’s development. The wide range of texts and materials provide a wealth of knowledge, foster critical thinking skills, develop language and literacy skills as well as ignite and develop curiosity about the world around us. Through engaging narratives alongside captivating images and intriguing facts, non-fiction texts encourage us to explore further. Non-fiction texts often offer opportunities to engage in a wide range of interactive activities that enhance our curiosity of the world. At Percy Hedley School, we all have different interests and preferences when it comes to non-fiction texts as well as how we access them.

As the theme of National Non-Fiction is ‘Wonderful Water’, here are a few of our water facts:

  • 97% of the water on Earth is found in the oceans.
  • Water is the only substance that can be found in three forms: liquid, gas and solid.
  • 3% of the water on Earth is freshwater and 97% of the water on Earth is saltwater.

Over the coming weeks our ‘Poetree’ will transform into our ‘Fact-tree’ and we look forward to sharing our fascinating facts on a wide range of topics including water

The Literacy Squad



Personal Development

Jo and the Personal Development Team cover a lot of areas

There are lots of really fun and important “Weeks” and things in the diary for November, and many are linked to each other. Inter-faith week, Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying – and a few others! They all kind of fit into our ethos and values. Here’s some info about a few


I attended a local networking event for PSHE providers in North Tyneside on Tuesday evening. It was great to hear from guest speakers which mainly involved local charities and services from the local area that support children and young people with RSE and physical and mental health. I will certainly be inviting some of these people in to conduct interactive workshops which will support the delivery of the PSHE curriculum as well as signposting our young people to organisations should they ever need them.

The Health & Wellbeing adviser for North Tyneside brough to our attention the topic of testicular torsions and I wanted to share some of the important information with you.

Testicular Torsions

Testicular torsion is an emergency condition. It happens when the spermatic cord, which provides blood flow to the testicle, rotates and becomes twisted. The twisting cuts off the testicle’s blood supply and causes sudden pain and swelling. Testicular torsion requires surgery right away to save the testicle.

We were shown a graph indicating that testicular torsion was most likely to affect young men between the age of 10 and 20 years old.

When can this happen and what should we do about it?

We will be adding this to our curriculum when teaching male students about body parts within the topic of puberty.

If you would like any further information regarding this, please email me on

Antibullying Week

We had a great turnout for “Odd Socks Day” on Monday to kick start our anti-bullying week alongside the theme of “Make a Noise About Bullying”. See some of the wonderful socks below:

Interfaith week

One lovely thing this week has been that there has been a different pudding at lunchtime each based on one of the world’s different religions, which has been brilliant! We’ve had puddings AND learned things about the world. Thanks to the kitchen and to Claire! Have a look at a few of them – I tried them all! Yum! See photos below:

Physical Development

Therapy Session of the Week!

Preparation for Adulthood - PfA

Safeguarding Update from Rebecca, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

School Lunches


Updated Code of Conduct

Friends of PHS – the FoPHS!

Thanks to those of you that attended the FoPHS meeting this week! It’s great to have people giving their time up for this, so than you so much

LPPA - Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

Stars of the week

Makaton Signs of the Week

Events Calendar

The link to the calendar is here – we very much want to be giving you as much advance notice as possible of all the things that are happening

All the very best to all of you at home, from all of us here at the school. Happy November and all the things that go with it!

…..from John & the Team here at PHS