News, Stars & Children’s Mental Health Week from John & the PHS Team 9th February 2024

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Whole School Blog!

Hi everyone,

Bit of a cold snap again I fear! Hope you are all safe, snug and sound. It’s an awesome blog this week, with some brilliant posts on sport, therapy, the three super steering groups and loads more besides. There are some brilliant STARS!!! Thanks to you all for supporting us and staying with us when we talk about this these  – and some are difficult of course too, like the excellent safeguarding sections, or other bits of news sometimes

Chinese New Year (at our school) today too! Yum!

On Monday, our amazing residential trip to Keswick leaves for our post-16 students too, so that’s a great thing to happen and to look forward to hearing about

And don’t miss a special Makaton this week either

Al the best for a lovely weekend whenever it comes around for you. Take care – it’s great to be on the same team as you and work towards common goals

😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊


  • Literacy

  • Personal Development

  • Physical Development

Our three Super Steering Groups deliver our curriculum, Key Drivers and School Values – there’s a paper on the website if you want to read further. These Groups deliver the right curriculum for our pupils. This is where a lot of exciting stuff happens. Here’s the latest from them



First up, the Literacy Squad. Sarah is here to tell us about what’s happening in the first part of this year in the world of Literacy

A few weeks ago, we found out what was happening in the ELTBA pathway, this week ware going to focus on the Appropriate Accreditation Pathway

In English lessons, some Appropriate Accreditation classes are exploring diaries and recounts. Diary books and texts offer a unique perspective into someone else’s life, whether they are real or fictional. Diaries are extremely important and informative documents that have can provide an insight into people’s lives and events from the past. This half term students have had the opportunity to read a range of extracts from diaries. They will then be planning and composing their own diaries and or recounts of events

There are some great texts that are written in the style of diary.

The Appropriate Accreditation Library

Here are just a few of the texts that class groups are currently reading

So important to get our pupils and students reading! Cheers Literacy Squad!

The Literacy Squad


Personal Development

Jo looks after all Personal Development, including PSHE, Careers, Wellbeing, Online Safety, Social Moral Spiritual Cultural stuff and many other things. Let’s hear from Jo and the team! This week, Kasia is talking about PD in the Engagement Pathway.

In the Learning Skills Through Engagement Pathway, diversity is not just a word, it’s a vibrant tapestry that weaves together each individual’s unique stories, experiences, and abilities! Each student brings their challenges and strengths, and it’s our collective responsibility to create an inclusive environment where every individual can thrive. One of the most beautiful aspects of the diversity in LSTE Pathway is the rich range of perspectives it brings to our classrooms. Students in our Pathway often approach problems and tasks innovatively, challenging their peers and teachers to think outside the box. By embracing these diverse perspectives, we enrich our learning environment and prepare all students for the complexities of the real world.

We believe that embracing SEND diversity goes beyond academic achievements.

It’s about fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and support. It’s about recognizing that every student has a unique journey and learning style. In our Pathway, we are especially committed to providing a supportive environment for students. From personalized learning plans to dedicated support staff, we strive to empower every student to reach their full potential. But we also recognize that true inclusion goes beyond just providing accommodations; it’s about creating a culture of belonging where every student feels valued and accepted for who they are.

Together, we can create a brighter future where diversity is not just accepted, it is celebrated!

Engagement Personal Development and Diversity!


Physical Development

And it’s Steph with all aspects of Physical Development

Now that you’ve seen a few pics of our new Sensory Motor Suite, we thought we’d spend the next few weeks updating you on some of the opportunities and benefits this has created for our children.

First up… Rebound Therapy!


Rebound Therapy in action!!!

What is it?

Rebound Therapy is a specific model of therapy which uses a trampoline to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation, providing physiological and therapeutic benefits, as well as improving access to learning! Rebound therapy facilitates movement, promotes balance, relaxation, and sensory integration. It can be used to positively alter muscle tone, improve fitness and regulation, and even enhance communication skills!

At PHS we are very lucky to have a range of therapists, teachers and LSAs who are Rebound trained, and can support our children to access this during their therapy sessions, PE lessons and within other curriculum areas. Our therapists have created some very informative posters to support with this and really helps to highlight how this positively contributes to their overall physical development, so please do take a look!

Valentine’s DJ STARS!!! of the Week, with Mr Runnacles!

DJs Aaron, Charlie, Jess, Owen and Matthew have been busy compiling a Valentine playlist, complete with introductions, to be broadcast on Hedley’s Radio.

Demonstrating one of our most valued qualities, teamwork, they have agreed both the songs to be played and the order in which to play them.

Hedley’s Radio can be heard via the internet and you can hear the results of their work by tuning in at 1.45 pm on Wednesday, 14th February and at the same time the following day

Five DJ STARS!!!


Sport Event of the Week!

Milly and Owen! Excellent STARS!!!

You heard from Nathan last week and now here’s Richard with some great sports news

On Wednesday Leanne’s class represented the school at the Panathlon Kurling competition. They all had a great time and showed great sportsmanship throughout the day. I was very proud of them; they were a credit to the school. Please have a look at their medals and certificates. A huge well done!!!

Aidan, Sid and James! Absolutely FAB PE STARS!!!!!

George was there too!



We’ve been getting some great Careers posts from Louise R recently, and here’s another. Careers is so important. This is Louise R now.

On Wednesday Katie, Grace, Robyn, Sophie, Kara and Molly worked alongside the Percy Hedley Beyond Team, Kat Paylor Bent from the Seated Sewing and Smart Works Charity. The aim of the group was to support the national Smart Works Charity in Newcastle to create more inclusive designs into their clothes offer

Kat shared her history of Seated Sewing and supported the students of the Foundation to build their confidence by being part of a creative project. The students all contributed by exploring different fabrics and their durability. Everybody shared their views of what workwear needs to be for each of them to feel confident when joining the world of work

The team concluded that fabrics are important as they need to be comfortable and fashionable to the wearers liking and individual needs

Molly said she likes “flowing sleeves rather than tight fitting ones.”

Katie and Kara both spoke of their want to wear “statement shoes.”

Katie said, “Bags are important as they all need to carry equipment with them.” Molly showed her brightly coloured striped bag as an example of what she liked.

The most popular shops for clothes shopping included, Primark, Boohoo, Shein, and Vinted


Therapy Star of the Week! Love Therapy STAR of the Week! Especially when it’s Joseph!


Joseph has been learning to use his VOCA  to make requests. On Monday morning he asked for a favourite song (the windy song!) using his VOCA in a SaLT session with Julie and also commented on the “horse” from an immersive experience in the Experia Room in an OT session with Emma. Communication star!

Safeguarding Updates

Aylisha is our Safeguarding Officer, Rebecca is the DSL, and there is a great team, including Claire, Tracy, Corin, and other colleagues who look at other aspects too. For the blog, they give us weekly updates, which cover a range of topics. Here’s Aylisha with another important topic

Online Safety


School Lunches


From Mark, our Attendance Officer!

Updated Code of Conduct

Friends of Percy Hedley School (FoPHS)

Huge thanks to the FoPHS for their support with Christmas and making everything lovely! What a great bunch of FoPHS! We’re very grateful indeed!

Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

Stars of the Week

That reflect our School Values!

Chinese New Year

AND ALSO THIS WEEK……CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! And you know what that means – Chinese food!!!!!!!!!!! From our fabulous Catering Team!!!!! Thanks Susan!

Makaton signs of the week

Here’s Julie!


Lauren just wanted to share a lovely moment
4AH have started having daily discos to end their day and they are a huge hit!

All students (and staff!) join in and it ends their day perfectly!


…..from John & the Team here at PHS