Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 30th June 2023

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!

As we head to the month of July, staff are looking forward to a holiday as will be many students and their families. You will see me sharing as much information as I can gather on holiday activities and as always, I appreciate those who share anything they know of with me. Don’t leave it too long if you see something; places get booked up quickly and remember that usually the early bird catches the worm.

Last Friday some of our Post 16 students welcomed Kieran and Ellie from Standby Healthcare to school. They did presentations on their time at Calver Trust residential, while one student shared what he and others who chose not to join did at school that week. Good to know they weren’t doing Maths and English all week while their peers were ziplining in the Lakes District. 2 students then took the visitors on a tour of school. Standby Healthcare donated to support the trip and it was important that students had the opportunity to share what a difference this made and thank them, which every single one did well. Thanks to all who supported them. I really enjoyed it too.

Watching some of Glastonbury on TV, I was inspired by the reaction of the crowd to Lewis Capaldi, who was affected by a disability, Tourette’s Syndrome on stage asking for help. I’m emotional at the best of times but this video has moved me to tears more than once. It seemed the whole crowd took it on board and sang their hearts out for him. I see small signs of change and although we have a long way to go, I’ll take positive.

Dates for your Diary

Road Safety

Please see some guidance of road safety for outside of school.


See the latest e-safety blog, which is about recording without consent.




FoPHS News

Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.