Prom: Final Details and Reminders

Hi Everyone
Just a brief update on arrangements for our first ever ……….Percy Hedley Prom!!!
Students can arrive at the Sports Academy entrance from 6.15 pm to sign in for a 6.30pm start. The prom will finish at 8.30pm in order for staff to clear up for the following day’s Summer Fayre.
Pick up / drop off will be available at the entrance, for those parents / carers staying, parking will be in the main car park. All students and parents remaining on site will be asked to sign in at the Academy.
A cold buffet will be provided for students in the sports hall and refreshments will be available for parents / carers in the adjoining gym.
Accessible student toilets are available next to the sports hall, parent / carer toilets are located in the main reception.
Health and safety
Staff have kindly volunteered to support the running of the Prom and would like to spend time socialising with students past and present. If your young person has support needs during this event, we do require you to remain on site.
During the evening we have members of the DSL team, fire marshals and a designated first aider in attendance should they be needed.
We would also like to remind people we are a smoke free school and alcohol must not be consumed on the premises.
Looking forward to seeing everyone dress to impress on the night!!!
See you all tomorrow