Phonics within ELTBA Pathway
As you may have read on the school blog recently, this term we have introduced a new phonics programme to our ELTBA Pathway.
Students are completing daily phonics lessons to develop essential early literacy skills and we’ve had a lot of very positive feedback so far. Students call the sessions ‘Sounds and Spellings’, but the full title of the programme is Essential Letters and Sounds. In addition to purchasing this programme, we have also invested heavily in the reading schemes available to our students and we are keen to share these with you!
There will be a range of Parent/Carer training events planned during the Summer term, and we would like to collect your views on what format of training would be most suitable for you.
A paper form will be sent home with your child today, however if you find it easier to complete online please follow the link below to give your preference for the format of the training and any specific areas you would like to gain further information in,.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Sarah Hamlin Becky Finn
Departmental Lead Speech & Language Therapist