News, STARS, Anti-Bullying, Non-Fiction November and more Bikes – from John & the PHS Team! Friday 15th November 2024
Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Whole School Blog!
Biker Brandon!
Friday 15th November 2024
Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all well – it’s very busy here, what with Anti-Bullying Week, Non-Fiction November and all sorts – and today’s even Children In Need so there’s a lot happening! It’s lovely when the school’s like this – but there is still lots of work happening too, I promise! In fact one of the best things about here is the way that the staff are so good at using these kinds of events as educational times as well as fun ones – that takes real skill and they do it all the time
There are also lovely things like bikes! It’s a fun and good place to be. I hope there are a good enough variety of articles for you this week – if you want more click over to Eileen’s Family Liaison blog, or Lizzie’s fascinating stuff on AI (I know!!!!!), or the rest of the school or company websites
It’s also lovely to see some of you at PfA sessions, Coffee & Catch-ups, Consultation Meetings and the like. Thank you for coming in and supporting the staff so that they can do the best possible job for your son or daughter
All the best for a lovely weekend when it comes for you. Take care!
John S
😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊
We have 3 Super-Steering Groups which deliver our Key Drivers through our curriculum. The Key Drivers are Communication, Wellbeing and Independence. The Groups are Literacy, Physical Development and Personal Development
Becky, our Literacy Lead, leads a team that improve all aspects of literacy, including this year a lot of handwriting and oracy (it’s OK, she’ll be going into explain all of that) as well as reading, phonics, books and all sorts!
This week we have Sarah telling us about non-fiction November!
As Becky mentioned in last week’s Blog, it is Non-fiction November! Non-fiction texts and materials provide a wealth of knowledge, foster critical thinking skills and ignite and develop a curiosity of the world around us. There is plenty of choice when it comes to non-fiction, from practical and informative guides and reference books to fascinating true stories.
National Non-Fiction November (NNFN) was set up by the Federation of Children’s Book Groups to highlight the importance of information books and to promote reading non-fiction for pleasure.
Each November there is specific theme, previous themes have included all about water, the planet we share and communication, this year the theme for NNFN 2024 is Why don’t you….? with the idea that this will begin discussions about hobbies and leisure activities and to encourage children and young people to explore and try something new or develop their interest in a specific activity from cooking to computing the options are endless!
See link below to non-fiction book list with a specific link to hobbies and interests.
Physical Development
Everything that is fabulous in the world of Physical Development! This includes physio, hydro, MOVE, PE, HI, VI, a lot of OT and all sorts of key areas for us, including all of the Outdoor Learning, John Muir Award and many other aspects. Steph oversees this and will ensure that an aspect is shared in the blog each week
This week, Nina and Nat have been doing some great work. Well done!
Nat has been using the walking sling in class to practice both his stepping skills and his social skills! He demonstrated some brilliant walking in order to go and say hi to his friend Masie. Walking slings are fantastic as they support our pupils to have more independence and enables them to explore their environment with greater independence – good work Nat!
Personal Development
One of the best things about the school and one of the most important for our pupils, PD covers PSHE, Wellbeing, Careers, Social Moral Spiritual & Cultural, Online Safety, Behaviour and similar areas. Jo pulls it all together. Let’s see what Jo and the team have in store for us this week – quite a lot as usual I think!
Let’s look again at all the things that have been happening with Jo and the team!
The topic this half term is “Self-Care, Support and Safety” throughout the school. Please see below for what your child or young person will be learning about
- KS2 – “Trust”
- KS3 – “Feeling Unwell”
- KS4 – “Emergency Situations”
- P16 – “Gambling”
The statutory age-appropriate curriculum will be delivered at your child or young person’s assessed developmental stage through use of the PSHE Association SEND Framework outcomes. I will be attending coffee afternoons to share the curriculum and resources, please come along and have a chat! In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me .
Anti-Bullying Week
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week and is taking place on Tuesday 12th November. It is supported by cBeebies presenter & ABA patron Andy Day and his band ‘Andy and the Odd Socks’.
What is Odd Socks Day?
Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or to buy expensive costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to your school, at work of at home, it couldn’t be simpler! Odd Socks day will take place on the first day of Anti-Bullying Week each year to help raise awareness of bullying. We would like to invite participants to make a £1 donation – or any donation you think appropriate – to support the Anti-Bullying Alliance in continuing to coordinate the week every year
You do not have to raise money to take part – the most important thing is the message of Odd Socks Day – and any money raised for ABA is a bonus!
In 2023 over 5 million children, 1,000s of parents, 100s of workplaces and lots of celebrities and influencers got involved. In previous years we’ve had Ant and Dec, Emma Willis, Brian May, Craig David, Sir Mo Farah and Annamarie donning their odd socks! Don’t miss out highlighting the important issue of bullying in such a fun way
Bonfire Night
This week in 4OW, we held a discussion about the importance of Guy Fawkes Night and its origin. We watched a video highlighting the key figures involved with the Gunpowder Plot and students discussed how we celebrate the event today. Students showcased their creativity by drawing the things they love the most about Guy Fawkes Night
World Vegan Day
The students in Post 16 DT options have been making some delicious dips this week. The students enjoyed creating and sampling the dips
Super stuff from everyone involved in PD there
Lesson of the Week – Anti-Bullying Week Drama with Mandy!
In order to coincide with anti-bullying week, the drama group are in the process of planning and preparing a short play on bullying.
Students participated in a discussion themed around different aspects of bullying and effects it has on the victims
We discussed how a bystander can help by intervening quickly. 78% of bullying was stopped by a bystander within seconds. The group discussed where to go for help if they, or someone they know is being bullied.
The students will plan and draw a short scene on bullying and at a later date, act it out to a small audience
PE News of the Week with Nathan!
Let’s hear from him:
This term the students learning different Basketball/ Netball skills.
The first few weeks we have been focusing on understanding the rules, throwing, passing and catching a ball.
Looking forward to seeing the students’ progress leading up to Christmas
Nathan and Bobby in action!
Let’s get the latest from Andy on this great project to start off this half term.
This week’s challenge was to “Connect with the Community”, whether that be the school community, the wider community of Killingworth or your local communities at home.
It has been great hearing about your experiences, as you have challenged yourselves to connect this week.
Daniel and James embarked on a community visit and enjoyed exploring the local woods!
While Dan and Noah took requests and headed to The Killingworth Centre, bringing back lunch for themselves and staff – Well Done, boys! – connecting with the school and beyond!
Connecting with your Community gives us a sense of belonging and shared purpose, so well done to everyone who took part.
Next week’s challenge is “ Connect with your body “. This could involve something like exercising, mindful breathing, pilates or yoga – as always, get creative!
Please send any photos or comments to Andy at Let’s keep the fun going!
Behaviour for Learning (BfL)
Behaviour for Learning (BfL) is a new team, overlapping sometimes with Safeguarding and Mental Health. BfL is an approach to understanding and developing children’s behaviour that focuses on their relationship with their self, others and the curriculum, and promotes readiness for education. The BfL team support staff and pupils. The BfL approach is consistent with our values and compatible with systems such as PBS and NAPPI.
Preparation for Adulthood – PfA with Hannah
Huge thanks to all the parents and carers who attended our inaugural parent/carer forum for Preparation for Adulthood. It was great to see so many of you, both online and in the building, and to hear your thoughts about the work we are currently doing to put the very best supports in place for you and your children
Those who attended on Tuesday have asked for the next meeting to focus on transition arrangements and legal aspects of PfA. They also told us they welcomed the opportunity to meet with other parents to talk and we are happy to provide that. Eileen and I will be putting a programme together and will let you know dates and times very soon. Once again, thanks for your support – it’s appreciated!
PfA is a priority for us this year and a really exciting way to think about our students’ futures. Hannah is leading on it and has shared her thoughts above!
Welcome to Early Years!
It sounds like it’s been a brilliant week with The Ducklings! Let’s get Kerry to talk us through it all.
This week has been World Nursery Rhyme Week, and so each day The Ducklings have explored a different nursery rhyme. On Monday was “twinkle, twinkle little star”. We made some lovely twinkling star jars and painted star pictures. Amy enjoyed the story massage story and signed more. Tuesday was “Old Macdonald” the attention bucket was filled with animals, a dancing duck, a chicken laying eggs and snorting pig. The children enjoyed Old Macdonald’s tractor placing the animals into the correct positions on the trailer and pressing the buttons to make it go.
In our doh disco session we made blue play doh to make ponds for duck. Some of us made our own ducks from the doh.
Wednesday was “The Big Ship Sails” lots of water involved with this one, the children participated in a floating and sinking activity with the boats. We made paper boats and after lots of fun sprinkling paint on the foil, we sailed them. On Thursday it was time for Incy Wincy spider we played with the toy spiders and made spiders with the playdough
Therapy Star of the Week!
Love Therapy Star of the Week, especially when it’s Matthew and Shaye! Let’s hear from Lori.
Therapy star of the week – Matthew Mills and Shaye Walker!
Matthew and Shaye worked well as a team within their transdisciplinary therapy session. This week, they made Rocky Roads and were able to follow the recipe instructions – weighing and mixing their ingredients. Matthew and Shaye are always enthusiastic during these sessions and show a supportive nature towards their peers in the group
This is great to see. How great is Therapy Star of the Week? Rocky Road Stars!!!!!
Oh my Goodness! Another Therapy Star of the Week! This is from Elliott. Let’s see what and who he has!
On Wednesday, Brandon went to the bike club and was able to ride the trike for the first time in 4 years (since 2020) which was fantastic to see!
…..from John & the Team here at PHS
Our Key Drivers:
Communication, Wellbeing, Independence