Joe Wicks Visits Percy Hedley School!
Percy Hedley School was lucky enough to receive a visit from The Body Coach himself, Joe Wicks!
On Tuesday 23rd May, Joe Wicks paid a visit to George Stephenson High School in Killingworth as a part of his UK school tour.
After his first trip around the country to inspire kids to get moving in 2019, the Body Coach is back to travelling to schools across the UK. He hopes to get children learning about the physical and mental benefits of movement and exercise, with this tour focussing on the importance of sleep. During this tour he will be meeting and exercising with more than 10,000 children.
Students from Percy Hedley School joined others on the field where Joe Wicks delivered a 30-minute fitness class. The atmosphere was electric, the sun was shining and both students and staff had lots of fun.
Joe then visited Percy Hedley School’s sports hall for a quick talk with the students.
Percy Hedley School would like to thank Catherine Patrick, the PE teacher from George Stephenson, for inviting Percy Hedley School students to this once in a lifetime opportunity! And a massive thank you to Joe Wicks himself for coming along.
See photos from the day below: