Flu Vaccinations

An update on flu vaccinations.

Flu Vaccinations


The School Nurse Team has been contacted by the School Age Immunisation Team; as of yesterday only 58 consent forms have been returned of the 141 students in school eligible for the vaccine.They are due to attend school on Tuesday 27th September to administer the vaccine as per letter attached. The code you will need is on the letter attached.

They have asked that:

  • Consent form be completed no later than 12pm (mid day) Monday 26th September
  • If you do not wish your child to have the vaccination, or if they are receiving it elsewhere please complete the form with a “non consent”.
  • If any parent is having difficulty completing the consent online please contact them on 07786267233. (the number on their letter is incorrect.)

Please be assured that neither school nor the team wishes to put pressure on parents/carers in any way. This is a school age vaccine programme and parents/carers will need to make arrangements with their GP for our Year 14 students.

Flu Letter for parents Sept 22