Flu Vaccination Letter

To Parents.

Good morning,

If your child was eligible for the nasal flu vaccine but did not receive it in school on the 27th of September 2022 the Immunisation Team will contact you, via email to offer you an appointment for this in a community clinic. Students over 18 years in Year 14 need to arrange separately with their GP.

The team will not be offering a catch-up clinic in school

If you have already completed the electronic consent form, you do not need to complete this again.

If you have not already given consent but would like your child to have the nasal flu vaccine you can complete the consent form on the link below


The code for Percy Hedley School is

School code: NB108657


If you have any queries the contact number for the Immunisation team is




Yours sincerely

The School Nursing Team

Nasal Flu vaccine update from the Immunisation Team. 280922