Final Messages & News of the year from John & the Team: Thursday 21st July 2022

Hi everyone,

These two things were great and lovely

Thanks for coming – it was lovely to see you here, and at such lovely events. There’s a few pictures you might like on here, and I’m sure there are others elsewhere too for those involved

It was nice to have the Summer Fayre in the summer this time! ????

And we plan to do the Prom every year – I reckon it will be something like the 14th July in 2023

Phew, the end of term is so busy! But good busy! We’ve had the Prom, the Summer Fayre, various trips out, Leavers’ Awards Assembly, music and dancing…it’s bee great, and one of the good things about it has been the weather – apart from those two days when it was a bit too hot! – and that some of you have been able to attend. This is what we want for as many things as is sensibly possible

Otherwise, please take all our best wishes for a lovely holiday and time together. I’m sure that your child has made huge progress this year, in a number of ways, and ways that are important to them. Thanks for your support with this. Seeing this progress is what makes everything worthwhile, and it works best when we are in partnership. We want to make even more progress on this with you next year

And we have also made progress this year in other important areas such as with lunch, with our lovely salad bar and special theme days!

We look forward to seeing you and your son or daughter again in our school. If they are leaving, we wish them all the best in the world, and ask you to keep in touch! I would love to offer some of our leavers jobs in the future if they wanted them!

Have a lovely few weeks. We’ll see you soon, refreshed, with the school looking better, some new stuff and ready to go. Take care

Student Awards/Leavers’ Assembly

We kind of had a huge amount of stars

There was a fabulous afternoon this week, where we said goodbye to leavers, and gave out a few awards. Again, it was amazing to have some of you there – thanks for coming. Quite an emotional hour or so, I must say…………especially when they put up slides of some of the leavers when they were very little. Here’s a list of the winners

Kate Washington Cup

KS4 Y11 – Achievement award

Ruairi, who has always worked hard and been the model student

Katie Storey Shield

KS4 Y11 – Resilience and effort

Shae, who has been so strong throughout the school year

Debbie Short Award – Communication Shield

KS3 & 4, Progress in S&L skills 

Aoife – for communication

Debbie Short Award Communication Cup

EY, KS1&2, Progress in S&L skills

Nat – for communication!

Sportsperson Shield

Bradley, for his attitude, skill and overall good sportsmanship

Terry De’ Ath Award

Post 16, Achievement


Beating the Odds Award for Emotional Resilience




The Stephen Darke Award for Outstanding Achievement – Whole School

Liam, for everything that he does!

Some Lovely Lessons that have happened this Week

Students in the KS4 Art Carousel Option have been making oversized examples of food. The students have all enjoyed the lessons and their have managed some really good outcomes. A lot of the pictures this year have been taken by David, who’s a really skilled photographer

In Maths, Team Grouse have spent the previous two lessons constructing towers which had to be strong enough to support a can. They worked as small teams and this week were challenged to make a taller tower than the one that they managed to build in the previous lesson. Eve said, “It was good to get involved in making a tower”

And for their last Science and Humanities lessons of the term, Grouse was set a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) challenge. They were asked to make catapults and then to compete to see whose would fire a wooden cube the furthest.


Please check out the e-safety blog that Philip does too. There’s – a poster to prompt students to stay safe online this summer, and another asking you guys to get in touch with your old and/or new teacher if you have any worries or concerns going into the summer holidays with device usage. Click here

Everyone who came to the Prom was amazing. And to the Summer Fayre. And anything else, like the Leavers’ Assembly, True Colours dance and music, or anything else


The students who sat formal GCSE and level 1 and 2 exams celebrated last week with a meal together at Sambucas Italian Restaurant, down the road from us.  The students and teachers had a lovely time together celebrating the hard work that has been put in by all during this exam series.  Huge thanks to all the staff involved in what has been our first formal exam period in three years!