Family information and PTA updates 8th July 2022
It has been lovely over the last couple of weeks seeing some parents/carers in school again. This week we have had the start of coffee afternoons and more parent/carer training sessions.
MOVE session for parents:
This was well attended and overall comments were positive with the stand out one relating to an increased understanding of this programme, why it was introduced and how it fits with the integrated approach in school. The plan is to do an online recorded session.The advantage of in person ones is that you can ask questions, but we know that not every parent can get to school.
This week, Philip has added some information on story books with an E-safety theme to the website. The link to the E-Safety section on the school website is below
Universal Credit for those still in education
I attended a session on this subject on Wednesday. There is information on the Contact-for families of disabled children on the subject. I know it is causing anxiety amongst families.
Would it help if I did a session on this in the autumn term? If yes, and I need you to respond please let me know if you would prefer in person or TEAMS. If I don’t have any response I’ll assume the information I have provided has answered your questions.
Centre for Life: Relaxed session
Durham and District Leisure Group (DaDLG)
This group is not restricted to Durham residents. If you live in the area, it is worth taking a look at their website to see if there are activities for your child/young person. They run weekly and holiday activities; I have even seen some residential ones. I don’t have permission to share their Newsletter but you will find it on their website. The link to the website is here
Ability to Play
Based in the Ashington/Blyth area, it may be worth contacting them to see if there is anything suitable for your child/young person. This is for ages 5-16 years.
Link to their Facebook group is here
Summer Fayre
A huge thanks you to our families who answered the call for chocolate this week. You are amazing and I am humbled by the many ways you respond. The chocolate tombola is by far the favourite with students, so this is wonderful. We could do with some more bottles; they do not have to be alcoholic.
Cakes: We will have a cake stall and would appreciate donations of cakes, biscuits to sell. If you make these, could you include a list of ingredients so that anyone with allergies or intolerances can see what they contain.
I have asked for minutes of PTA meetings to be added to the PTA section of the website, which you will find under the heading “Parents and Families”, sub-heading “PTA”. I will let you know when I have a response.a a
The mud kitchen has arrived and is well and truly rooted in the outdoor learning space. Excuse the pun; John and Hannah are so dedicated that they worked in the rain to lower it into the ground early this week. It certainly doesn’t look in pristine condition now; well used just as we like.
This, along with 2 rustic benches were purchased by the PTA and we can see the benefits already. See a couple of photos below.Isaac and Aurora are definitely enjoying themselves.
True Colours
The sessions funded by the PTA will be taking place over the next 2 weeks, with different activities to suit all abilities in school.
Are you interested in what they offer? The link to their website is here
As we come close to the end of the 2021-22 academic year, I hope that you feel that the PTA meets it’s objectives. I’d like to put a plea out to parents for more engagement next year. Our first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year will be Thursday 29th September from 09.30-10.30. Come along and meet other parents too. A huge thank you to our committee parents; a dedicated bunch and a pleasure to have on board.
Facebook page:
The link to join the closed Percy Hedley School PTA Facebook page is here
Have a lovely weekend.
My contact details are:
Eileen Robinson, Family Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext 3260