Family Information and PTA updates 24 June 2022
What beautiful weather we have had this week and an active one for students? Sports Days, trips out and lots for me to enjoy outside my room. When I see the happy faces around school it makes my heart sing.
Dare I mention that the end of the school year is just 4 weeks away? I’m on the lookout for suggestions for activities so please, if you know of anything others would enjoy email it to me or add to our Facebook page. I try to add different things, which will suit the different ages, abilities and interests of our students. This week is no exception.
The Little Falcon
My day started with a lovely visit from Toby with the 3 copies of the book which I ordered. So determined am I to spread positivity amongst my family, I’ve purchased 1 for a Teacher and 1 for an LD Nurse in my family. I know my 24 year old former PHS student will love the rhyming and illustrations. Toby is so proud to be the inspiration behind this beautifully written and illustrated book. Below is one of the illustrations in the book. See my previous blogs if you would like to order a copy
Duke of Edinburgh: North East Homeless
I had a visit last week from 3 very enthusiastic students from Philip Coates class. As part of the DofE volunteering they have chosen to collect for North East Homeless. We located a very large box, which they have decorated beautifully, and is in the dining hall. As we know how generous families are, it would be lovely if we could even half fill this box for them. Please see the poster below
Parent workshops/training
It was lovely to see the resumption of an information event for parents this week, a Phonics session facilitated by Becky Finn. Sessions are rarely for the whole school, but are sent to the parents/carers for whom the session is relevant. The feedback from those who joined was all positive. Becky does plan to do an online version and we will let you know when this is available.
We welcome suggestions from parents/carers of sessions you feel may help you, but assure you that school staff also identify them too.
There is a new post on our E-Safety blog on “What parents and carers need to know about Group Chats”.
The E-Safety information is regularly updated, can be found on the school website under the heading “Parents and families”, then “E-Safety” from the dropdown menu. If you have any concerns, or would like advice please contact Philip or Maria via your child’s class teacher. they will be happy to provide further information
The link to the E-Safety information is here
SEND Review
#SENDReview Green Paper second WEBINAR: Ask the Minister, Will Quince. Registration open!
The link to register is here
Newcastle Airport
I’m not sure how many of our families travel, or plan to travel by air. I did think it worth sharing that Newcastle International Airport has assistance available to those with additional needs including Autism. Please see link below before you travel. A little advance preparation can make a difference
Support for Carers
I found this on the Family Fund website and thought it might be helpful
Usborne Book Sale
One of our parents is a rep and asked me to share
The link to special offers and sale items is here
Yesterday was a busy PTA meeting day. We had a sub-committee meeting for the summer fayre in the afternoon and our second evening general PTA meeting online. The next PTA meeting will be on Thursday 29th September and, all being well this will be held in school face to face. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all who have supported us; everything we do is for the benefit of your children/young people.
Summer Fayre
The banners are up, advertising the event in case you forget. You have no chance with all the reminders from me. We are still collecting and would appreciate donations of:
- Bottles, alcoholic and non alcoholic for the bottle tombola and raffle
- Gifts, for the gift tombola
- Chocolate, for the chocolate tombola
The PTA committee is conscious that you have been asked for donations for lots of things recently, and know that times are tough for some families. There is no expectation or wish that you stretch tight budgets for us. We would prefer that you came along and enjoyed the fayre.
We can never have too many volunteers; many hands make light work so if anyone in your family/circle could lend a hand on a stall please get in touch with me or Donna. We have flyers to circulate, so if you know of a business willing to display let us know.
Facebook Page
The summer holidays are fast approaching. I would welcome additions to the PTA Facebook page of ideas for days out, discounts, accessibility friendly places to visit and even more important your photos. The link to join the closed Facebook page is here
Have a lovely weekend and hoping the weather holds.
Telephone: 0191 2161811 extension 3260