Family Information and PTA News 7 October 2022

This week was a busy one, with a book swap going on outside my office. It was lovely to see the students get involved. I know too well how challenging swapping can be for those on the Autistic Spectrum! I’ve also loved seeing the Poetree; no I haven’t spelt it wrong. There will be lots more about this on John and the team’s blog; I had to comment on it as it made me smile.

Coffee afternoons: Class/departmental ones now organised. 

Details will be shared by class teams and I look forward to meeting those who attend

This week has been a busy one for blogs and information. So, just in case you’ve missed them I’m including a list and the links below. Some of you have said you are struggling to open attachments. You may find turning your phone off, then back on again helps or you may need to log in to the school website.

Beating the Odds: Non uniform day Monday

Flu Vaccination

Pupil Premium and Free School Meals.

Free School Meals.

Forms have been sent to all parents, but still seem to be causing confusion, so I’ll try to simplify:

  • Every student attending Percy Hedley School receives a school dinner with no charge as it forms part of their education/therapy offer
  • Holiday vouchers are provided by North Tyneside Council to those in receipt of specific benefits. New applicants, those in Years 7 and 11 need to provide evidence. There are some for whom we don’t have evidence and I will contact those families directly.

Please ensure that if you believe your child is eligible for free school meals and the holiday vouchers that you sign and return the form to confirm that your circumstances haven’t changed. We are creating a new list this year and need these returned. Contact me if you are unsure and need help.

Evidence information: Please see form for full detail

  1. If you receive benefits you can download and screenshot evidence and send to me by email. This must include a full breakdown of payment.
  2. If you receive income support or Universal Credit you can phone the JobCentre on 0800 1690310 and ask for a letter to be sent to you.
  3. If you receive Child Tax Credit please send me a copy of your award from HMRC. If you don’t have it, you may phone HMRC on 0345 3003900 and ask for a copy.

We will not be able to process requests without this information for the holiday vouchers.

Christmas Wreath making.

I hope that you received the letter which was also sent by text/email. If you like this idea and have ideas for other social opportunities we can provide in school, please get in touch with me.


There has been a new addition to the E-Safety section of the school website on

Positive Relationships & Domestic Violence Awareness. The link is here



Kidz to Adults North

I know at least 1 of our parents has visited this before; so thought I would share

Kidz to Adultz North is back in Manchester!

Tuesday 1st November 2022, Manchester Central – 9.30am until 4.30pm

We are absolutely delighted to announce Kidz to Adultz North is back in Manchester this year. The event will be held at Manchester Central, a venue which has been located in the heart of the city of Manchester for over 140 years.

Register for free to attend Kidz to Adultz North! If you require further information please contact the Kidz to Adultz team. Tel: 0161 214 4592. Email:

Who is this event for?

This event is dedicated to children and young adults with disabilities and additional needs, their parents, carers and the professionals who support them.

For further information and to book please click here

Gateshead Autism Information hub

Gateshead Autism Information Hub has a monthly day time support group for parents and carers of autistic children and young people.
The day time group meets on the first Friday of each month in Meeting Room 3 at the Elgin Centre, Gateshead NE9 5PA and our next meeting takes place on Friday 7th October 2022, 9.30-11.30am. No booking required – just come along.
We can offer free shared access to the Elgin Centre’s sensory room to children whose parents are attending the support group for the first hour, 9.30 to 10.30am. Children using the sensory room will need to be accompanied by an adult. Vouchers for accessing the room are available on arrival at the support group meeting.
This support group is solely for parents and carers of autistic children and young people, and we regret that we are unable accommodate children in the group meetings.
The Nest Approach
Spectrum Gaming have created a great guide called “The Nest Approach” which outlines how to support autistic young people with meltdowns. This guide was developed with autistic young people in their community. What a brilliant resource ????????
To view and download the guide please follow this link:…/1n6KOJklw2YTkRUijDte…/view….


Learning for Life- Halloween activity

Learning for life is for young adults with Learning Disabilities, so please check minimum age with them.

Theatre Royal Access Membership

Apply for your free companion card for the Theatre Royal here. For those receiving high or medium rate DLA or enhanced pip. Passport photo needed for your application. This years panto is Cinderella the relaxed performances are Sun 11 Dec 2022 & Wed 11 Jan 2023. It’s great to see a weekend date for a relaxed performance.


The link to apply is here

Fund-raising department

Making an early start on your Christmas shopping? Support Percy Hedley for free while you shop.

Did you know there is a quick and easy way when shopping on Amazon to make a donation to Percy Hedley every time you make an eligible purchase?

By simply using this website address  rather than your usual Amazon link or searching for on your Amazon app, they will donate 0.5% to us for every eligible purchase.  And believe us, all those 0.5% donations really do add up!


Christmas Cards. 

I’ve seen some lovely designs and had about 15 orders so far. Please try to get orders in as soon as you can. Receipts will be sent back with your orders.


The AGM will be held on Tuesday 15th November from 09.30-11.00. We need help from lots of people, not all time consuming. Meetings are held half termly, and we try to keep these to an hour. We are trialling alternate day/evening meetings too.

If you would like more information, or would like to be considered for an Officer position please have a look here

PTA 100 Club.

Recruitment has slowed down although a few parents have asked me not to hold the draws too soon. Forms will be available at the departmental coffee afternoons which will be happening over the next couple of weeks. However, the form is below too.

100 Club Annual Subscriber agreement 2022-23

Online Quiz

Would anyone be interested in helping organise an online quiz for the PTA? If so, please get in touch with me. It’s simply not my forte and we have had one sent by Parentkind.

PTA Facebook page.

Restricted to parents, carers, current staff and close family the link to join is here

World Poetry Day: Thursday 6th October

I can’t miss the chance to share a lovely poem by Tracy Horner, mum to our fabulous student Toby. I still have some copies of her book “The Little Falcon” which will be available at the coffee afternoons; £6.99 per copy. Alternatively, you can send money in and save on postage as it is also available on Amazon.

Have a lovely weekend.

Finally, don’t forget Monday is home clothes day and the students will be off timetable. These events are always fun, and I have no doubt this one will be up to scratch. Not all students are happy with non uniform days; please be assured this is personal preference.


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext 3260
