Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 7th July 2023

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!

July is always a busy month at school, one of the reasons the FoPHS decided September was a better time for our annual fayre. This week’s timetable was full. The MOVE Fest on Wednesday & Thursday was amazing, and parents/carers had the opportunity to see what it was all about on Wednesday after the coffee morning. Friday’s This is Me festival; well, that will have to wait till next week as this will have gone to press by the time it gets underway. As I write, I am looking forward to it and the content sounds very exciting.

Over the last couple of months, I along with Tracy (Head of Department, Teacher, and lead on the LPPA) attended 3 sessions run for Parentkind on Parental Participation and Consultation. We found these extremely helpful, and we came away with ideas which will be shared with the leadership team and we look forward to implementing some of them.

And on that subject:

I hosted the final social coffee morning of this academic year on Wednesday with a good turnout.  Here are some photos:

It’s difficult; if there are too many people or some groups are over/under-represented they may not meet everyone’s expectations. I do run these on different days, to give as many of you the opportunity to attend at least one. I really enjoy facilitating these, meeting different parents/carers each time. I did an evaluation which confirmed that you all value talking to other parents. This was the main reason these were introduced; to bridge the gap caused by the distance many of you live from school and each other and to enable you to share experiences with other parents/carers. I decided to try another way of getting parent views. I asked parents to use post it notes to inform me what works and what could be better in terms of communication from school.

You told me you like home/school diaries, both blogs and are happy with responses from class teachers to your calls/emails.

You would like polls, guest speakers, engagement of the leadership team with parents and advance notice of exams.

I appreciate this reflects the views of a small number of parents but is also what some of you tell me informally.

Dates for the Diary

Check out some of the upcoming dates for activities around the school.

Online Safety

I hope that you have had time to look at the information on the E-Safety section of the school website. Most weeks there are individual topics covered in a blog which can be found at the foot of the general information.



FoPHS News

Arriving at work on Monday morning it was exciting to see Beth setting up her photo studio. Hannah and Tracy are organising and I look forward to seeing the results. I hope that you like them. Apart from providing school photos which some of you have enquired about, this is very much about providing something at a very low cost to parents, enabling you to choose how to use/share them.

Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.