Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 4th October 2024

Well, hello October and Autumn weather is well and truly here. We are over halfway through this half term now and it is good to see students settled back into the routine. Last week we had 2 of the departmental coffee afternoons and details of the other 2 are in the events section. It has been a very busy week and I feel like it has passed in the blink of an eye. Perhaps getting the Christmas card queries, reminders and orders has contributed. John certainly thinks I’m doing them too early.


Important Information

Online Safety



I can recommend the resources and online sessions MENCAP offers.

Online workshops for parents:


Half Term Activities

Here are some activities being put on by Smile through Sport in the Half Term.

Ability Disco: Springwell Village

Ability Sport and Social Disco: HALLOWEEN PARTY  at Springwell Village Community Venue. City of Sunderland 

FoPHS News

100 Club

Asda Cashpot for schools

Facebook Page

This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you must first answer the question stating your link with school. This is to ensure we keep it as safe as possible.

Looking for a quote each week, wondering if I’ve share already and whether or not they are a positive addition to my blog are part of my end to the week. This one just hit the spot today. I often tell people that I believe parenting my children, more than one of whom has additional needs made me a better person. So, here goes:

Parenthood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you’d have. It’s about understanding your child is exactly the person they are supposed to be. And, if you’re lucky, they might be the teacher who turns you into the person you’re supposed to be. ~The Water Giver

Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260