Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 4th October 2024
Well, hello October and Autumn weather is well and truly here. We are over halfway through this half term now and it is good to see students settled back into the routine. Last week we had 2 of the departmental coffee afternoons and details of the other 2 are in the events section. It has been a very busy week and I feel like it has passed in the blink of an eye. Perhaps getting the Christmas card queries, reminders and orders has contributed. John certainly thinks I’m doing them too early.
Harvest Festival
You will have received a letter outlining what we are doing in school to mark Harvest Festival. This year, we are collecting for The People’s Kitchen in Newcastle. The letter went out on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning the huge box is already more than half full. Thanks to those who have supported. With 250 staff and 163 students in school, imagine how many boxes would be filled if everyone brought in 1 item. Although Harvest festival marks the reaping of the crop, we are collecting food which s not perishable. There is a list in the link below, but some examples are: tinned soup, meat, fruit and vegetables, baking ingredients like flour, sugar, dried fruit, cooking oil, cocoa, porridge oats, drinks including tea, coffee, squash, UHT milk, snacks, condiments, cooking sauces, pasta, rice, stock, gravy, toiletries, cleaning products wet and dry pet food. Please send donations into school. Here is a link to The People’s Kitchen, so that you can see how they support homeless and vulnerable people:
ELTBA Pathway coffee afternoon: Thursday 10th October from 2-3pm.
Engagement Pathway coffee afternoon: Tuesday 15th October 2-3pm.
Letters have been sent out.
Here are the links to the events and term dates calendars:
Important Information
This week is National Anaphylaxis Awareness week. Due to this we have been thinking about our procedures in school to ensure that we have the safest environment for all of our pupils and staff, and ensure that our systems are as up to date as they can be for all staff to access.
We would like to complete a yearly update of all allergens and intolerances in our staff and students as we are aware how quickly they can change, adapt and add to. AS part of this we would like you to complete a short questionnaire for our records to update our central data base for all staff in school to have access to. We realise you may have provided this information before; however, we would like to do a full update to our systems so would appreciate your time with this. More information about the fourteen main allergen groups can be found at the link:
If you need any help or support please contact your class team, the DSL team or our Family Liaison Eileen to complete this with you. We would appreciate having the information for next Friday the 11th of October.
Please use the link or the QR code to complete this.
Online Safety
The link to the Online safety information can be found on the school website under the heading “Parent and carers area”, then “online safety” from the dropdown menu.
This week’s online safety blog is live!
Video games have become a popular pastime for children and teenagers. While they can offer entertainment and even educational benefits, it’s crucial to be mindful of online safety and the potential influence games can have on young minds.
Support in school for vulnerable students.
Now, I do realise as I wrote that heading that every single child/young person attending this school is vulnerable. Most will be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, DLA or Personal Independence Payment, PIP. You, their parent/carer may be in receipt of Carers Allowance or additional Child Tax Credit/Universal Credit as you are caring for them.
This week I was asked to do something for the school blog on Free School Meals, Pupil Premium and the 16-19 bursary, and thought it would be good for it to be in both.
16-19 Bursary session for parents/carers.
Yesterday, I held an information session for parents/carers of students in Post 16 on the Bursary. This was hybrid which enabled those who can’t get to school to join.
The 16-19 bursary is funding from the Skills Funding Agency for pupils in post mandatory education settings to reduce barriers to learning. Its function is to help those who qualify to meet additional costs of their course. This could be meals, costs associated with work experience, equipment and residential trips. All post 16 families received letters enquiring if they met the criteria.
I was joined by Andrea who answered questions on the residential trip, as the bursary covers the student contribution for the trip.
All applications for the bursary, open to students who were between 16 and 19 on the 31st August 2014 will be assessed by the class team and approved by Senior Leadership. Parents may make suggestions, but the decision rests with school who are accountable to the Skills Funding Agency. Attendance is an important aspect of eligibility, as is the outcomes set for individual students.
It was a lively session and parents who attended interacted well and there were not too many questions.
Applications will be sent imminently to those who have informed us that their young person is eligible.
Want to know more? Here is the link:
Alternatively, contact me and I will share full information with you and support applications.
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals.
Free School Meals:
Over the last few weeks, I have been updating records for those students eligible for Free School Meals.
Children in Key Stage 1, reception through to Year 2 are eligible automatically.
Students in Years 3-11 may be eligible subject to meeting criteria.
Students in Post 16 are not eligible under the government rules but do receive a free school meal if on a low income and provide evidence.
Those who have provided evidence and are in Years reception to Year 13 will receive vouchers for holiday periods until March 2025. This comes from additional funding to support those on low incomes with the increased cost of living. The Household Activity and Food fund, HAF enables North Tyneside Council to provide vouchers to eligible families over the school holidays. If you think you are eligible and have not let me know please get in contact.
Pupil Premium.
The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. Those on low incomes, in or recently left Local Authority Care, children of parents in the armed forces and some other categories qualify.
Funding differs depending on whether the student is in Primary or Secondary education.
It can benefit the whole class so long as the purpose clearly supports eligible students.
Want to know more?
Visit the school website where you will find the form to apply under the Parent and Carer section, then “Welcome to Percy Hedley School” then “forms”.
Children and families North
This group run a SEND parent and carer support group which takes place monthly at Great Park Community Centre from 10am-11.30am. Their next session will be on Monday 7th October. This is a great opportunity to talk to other parents and carers whilst sharing ideas and to get advice from professionals.
There’s no need to book just turn up! See poster below.
I can recommend the resources and online sessions MENCAP offers.
Visit their website for more information on Planning for the Future and mental Capacity.
“Mencap are here for every family.
We provide support and guidance on planning for the financial future for people with a learning disability. Learn about how to write a Will and include a trust to protect means tested benefits and support packages.
Download our guide to Wills and Trusts and plan the future, today.”
Online workshops for parents:
I have been asked to share these but have no experience or information about the group. If you do attend, some feedback would be appreciated.
Contact: for further information
Their website link is here:
West Moor Community Centre.
I received the following information last week:
We run weekly Saturday classes at West Moor Community Centre. We’ve just launched this venue, so nobody knows we are here.
I’d greatly appreciate it if you could share our leaflet with parents and families to let me know who we are and where we are!
We aim to get children moving and active as figures state that over 53% of children do not meet the government’s ‘60 minutes a-day’ guidelines and over 30% of those are doing less than 30 minutes a day.
Some benefits we provide for children are:
– Give them more sporting opportunities
– Develop a great foundation of skills (coordination, eye-hand coordination, balance, core strength)
– Create a fun and engaging environment
– Have a mental and emotional outlet
I asked if these would be suitable for our students, and this was the response:
“Yes, we certainly do cater to children with additional needs. We have several children with Autism and ADHD who attend our public classes.
In the past, I’ve run SEND classes with organisations in Durham and Blyth. I want to make our classes
as inclusive as possible and allow children with all types of additional needs the same opportunities and chances to be active and have fun. As it is a public class parent participation is vital so they would need to support and guide their children”.
See poster for more details.
Half Term Activities
Here are some activities being put on by Smile through Sport in the Half Term.
Ability Disco: Springwell Village
Ability Sport and Social Disco: HALLOWEEN PARTY at Springwell Village Community Venue. City of Sunderland
On Saturday 12th October 6-10pm
At Springwell Village Hall
See poster for details.
FoPHS News
Christmas cards.
The orders for our annual IQ Christmas cards will be in the post by Monday so that you have them back in plenty of time. Why do we do them? We want parents/carers to share the work your young people have done with friends and family. Yes, there is an element of fund-raising for FoPHS but the main reason is allowing you to share and celebrate your child/young person’s work. Thanks to those who sent in orders. It can be difficult as not all students want to do them, and we respect their rights in this regard.
Next week I will share more, but here is Frankie-Rae’s design. Isn’t it wonderful?
100 Club
Thanks to all who joined. Currently at 31 numbers taken. No increase on last week, so sharing again. For those who can, please consider joining and help us get to 100. This is an easy way to support FoPHS.
Asda Cashpot for schools
Again, this is such an easy way to support FoPHS. Just choosing Percy Hedley School on the Asda rewards app gets us £1. Do you have family or friends who shop at Asda who might support us?
Currently we have £1885.28 in the pot. I think we will achieve at least £2000!
Facebook Page
This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families. To join, you must first answer the question stating your link with school. This is to ensure we keep it as safe as possible.
Please note: this group is for sharing news and updates about school life and is not intended to discuss any issues around individual students, and as such all comments are moderated. If you have a particular issue or concern, please contact school directly on 0191 216 1811.
Looking for a quote each week, wondering if I’ve share already and whether or not they are a positive addition to my blog are part of my end to the week. This one just hit the spot today. I often tell people that I believe parenting my children, more than one of whom has additional needs made me a better person. So, here goes:
Parenthood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you’d have. It’s about understanding your child is exactly the person they are supposed to be. And, if you’re lucky, they might be the teacher who turns you into the person you’re supposed to be. ~The Water Giver
Contact details
Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer
Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260
Yearly Update of Allergens and Intolerances
Please update this, it will only take a few moments.
We realise you may have provided this information before; however, we would like to do a full update to our systems so would appreciate your time with this.
Join Our Facebook Group
This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life. It is not for external professionals who may be working with families.