Beating the Odds Project.

A letter to parents.

Dear Parents,

The Wellbeing Team is continuing to support a whole school approach to help all students build up their resilience and to help them learn to understand and better manage their emotions. You will recall that we are using the Zones Of Regulation and the Resilience Framework to support in this process and work is of course adapted according to the needs of the individual students and classes.

We have also decided to keep the half termly off timetable days to support our Beating the Odds project. This letter is to let you know that the first one will be the week after next on Monday October 10 2022, which was chosen specifically as it is World Mental Health Day. I am sure many of you will be aware that there are more expectations of schools to address children’s wellbeing and of course we want to support this where possible at Percy Hedley. We also know from research that supporting resilience in childhood allows children to do as well as they can educationally and also supports them being able to learn coping skills which are required for everyone during the challenges of adulthood.


Each of the six days across the year will also be non-uniform and we will send information ahead of these days to give parents notice. This time we simply want pupils to come into school wearing something that makes them feel comfortable.  We always welcome feedback about the days and the work we are doing in school about resilience, so do please keep in touch with me! Do send any feedback to




Louise Brennand

Educational Psychologist