In 2022-23 we used our to funding for the delivery of RealPE.
RealPE provides a holistic approach of teaching and developing the whole child. RealPE ensures that all children are able to access fun learning opportunities that build on previous learning whilst encouraging them to be physically active and healthy.
This approach allows the development of the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination through differentiated progressive challenges that build in complexity and skill.
Throughout these physical challenges, the children are working on both their inter and intra-personal skills through the ‘cogs’ of personal, social, cognitive, creative, applying physical and health and fitness which allow children to grow and apply their own social and emotional wellbeing throughout their PE learning journey.
Throughout their time within Northern Counties School, the children also have opportunities to apply these fundamental movement and cognitive skills through team games and personal challenges Outside agencies also support staff in teaching gymnastics, dance and multi-skill team games. Within Early Years, physical education is incorporated within daily continuous provision alongside formal lessons to help continuously build and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
Additionally, we provide opportunities for children to practise their fundamental movement skills within a different context through themed days, These days include activities which challenge the children’s agility, balance and coordination in ways that they may have not experienced before. We aim to ensure that all children have access to an ambitious yet broad and balanced curriculum which has been coherently planned and sequenced to include all children to ensure that they are physically active with a good understanding of their own social and emotional wellbeing.