
Northern Counties hold a weekly signing class to support parents, carers and other family members to improve their signing skills.

BSL lessons are hard to come by and can sometimes be quite costly, which makes it difficult for family members to learn the language that their child might use to communicate. BSL is the standard language that is taught at Northern Counties to deaf and non-verbal students. This allows our students across our learning communities to be able to effectively communicate with each other, creates social opportunities and encourages them to develop friendships.

Having the BSL lessons at the school provides a comfortable environment to learn a new language with other people, although some are at different stages of learning the language, it is an opportunity to learn a new skill whilst receiving guidance from Mandy, and also from each other.

Who can come?

Any parent or carer of a child at Northern Counties School.

What will I learn?

The class does not lead to a formal qualification as there are plenty of local colleges and other providers that deliver Signature course as Level 1, 2 and beyond.

Our class is there to give you an opportunity to learn and practice BSL in a safe and relaxed environment.

The class lead will help you to learn the language used in the home and at school so that you can communicate better with your child. Topics covered include food and drink, activities of daily living, subjects in school and whatever else is important to you and your family.

The family signers famously sign a song or carol at our Christmas Show and Leavers’ Assembly. And, whilst this isn’t obligatory, it is great fun!

How can I join?

Email Mandy Davison on or ring the school on 0191 281 5821.