at Percy Hedley

Family Information and FOPHS News Friday 16th February 2024

Welcome to Percy Hedley School's Family Liaison Blog!

We’ve reached the halfway point in the school year and it’s finally feeling more spring like. I hope it continues for half term and that you manage to get out and about and enjoy family time. I will add any half term activities which may reach me this week, though last week’s blog had a comprehensive list.


Remember, we break up today for half term and staff and students return to school on Monday 26th February.


This week’s highlight for me has been sharing updates from the Post 16 residential to Calvert Trust in Keswick. I have only the best memories of my family’s experience when my son went on these trips. The lead up was always fraught, he struggled with the thought of being away from home. With support from home and school it worked every time. I got 4 nights sleep knowing he was in safe hands. This week the reports have all been positive and a short text can’t give the full story. These would not happen without the wonderful staff who give up their week to go, and those who stay behind to support those who choose not to go.


Yesterday we held the FoPHS AGM in the morning and in the afternoon, we had the Engagement Pathway coffee afternoon. Engagement pathway parent/carers had a tour of school, spent a short time in classes and finished with a discussion where we were joined by John.



Tuesday 27th February 9.30-11.00:             Social Coffee morning

Wednesday 28th February 14-15.00:           Post 16 coffee afternoon

Online Safety

The link to the Online safety information can be found on the school website under the heading “Parent and carers area”, then “online safety” from the dropdown menu.

Help Requested

A chance to help shape the learning around learning disabilities at Newcastle Hospitals.


SOS!SEN is an independent registered charity started in 2002 by a small group who had spent much of their lives in education or related services.

Personal Assistant (PA) Training

Training offered by Disability North for those employing PA’s. It is now offered online too.


I’m seeing a few posts about holidays and thought it worth sharing some grant information again:

Cheap Cinema tickets over half term

More cost-effective ways to feed children over half term

Last week I shared information from Money Saving Central on places where children can eat free or for £1 over half term. Some places require a minimum adult spend

Kids Go Free with Arriva North East this Half Term

Between Saturday 10th February and the Sunday 25th February (inclusive), up to three children aged eleven and under can travel for free on any Arriva North East service, all day every day, when accompanied on board by a fare-paying adult or adult with a valid travel pass.

Spectrum holidays

I have shared this in the past but thought it worth another share. They accept Family Fund (inspire) vouchers.

Tim Lamb Centre

"Join us at the Tim Lamb Centre next week, we have some great activities to entertain your children."

FoPHS News

We held our AGM yesterday. As I often say, we know there are reasons why parents/carers don’t volunteer for Officer roles and our meeting reflected this yesterday. However, you do support in so many other ways and the consensus from the meeting was that this is working.

100 Club

Sign up to our 100 Club using the form below.

Facebook Page

This is a closed group for family and friends of Percy Hedley School, where you can share news and updates about school life.

 You know I like to end with a quote, sometimes relevant to timing or events. This week, as we break up for half term, I know that many of our parents/carers will be facing additional challenges. However, I hope this week’s makes you smile. My boy uses subtitles and audio descript and doesn’t need the latter!


“Feeling guilty about your child watching TV? Just put the subtitles on. Now they’re reading!”


Contact details

Eileen Robinson: Family Liaison Officer


Telephone: 0191 2161811 ext. 3260.